Thursday, September 30, 2010

Guest Review for A Writer's Review Blog

This month is amazing!We had little awards,our first giveaway,hit the mark of 50 followers,an interview and now we did a guest review as well.
Brandi from A Writer's Review let us do a guest review at her blog. She picked one of book of our library for review, and that was Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. The review was done exclusively for her blog and so it will not be posted here. Everyone who wants to read it, would have to visit her blog.

Also,since her blog is new, i thought it would be the best to do a small interview with her for a promotion. I'm one of the persons who strongly believe that we need to support each other. The feeling when you see comments or that someone noticed you is truly special. Especially for the small blogs.

Here is out little interview with Brandi from A Writer's Review:
What made you start blogging?
       I love love love reading, but I also love writing.  I really thought that blogging would be a good way to not only document what I read, but also to write about things relating to reading.  I started the blog in January of this year, with the thought that each post would just be a review of the book that I had just finished reading.  I also had challenged myself to read 100 books this year, so that was going to be my way of keeping track of the books I read, and a way to remember what each book was about.  Well, as time went on, I got busy and didn't have time to keep up with the reviews -- but now I'm back!  When I came back I decided that I wasn't going to just blog reviews, so you can find many other things on my blog as well (all related to reading of course!)

What's the part you like most at blogging?
    Honestly, my favorite part of blogging is figuring out what I am going to write about next.  I try to do at least a small amount of research when I post my blogs.  My research can include anything from what you would ordinarily consider research to things like reading other peoples blogs and seeing what their opinions/views are.  My other favorite part about writing a blog is all of the people that I am able to reach -- I log on each day and I've got a new follower, or a new comment, or more page views and it fills me up!
Tell us a bit about what to expect from your blog
      My blog will contain reviews about the books that I read (I'm still trying to wrap up the reviews on all the other books I've read this year), as well as what I am considering "hot topics".  Hot topics are posts like To E-Read, or Not to E-Read.  I am also constantly taking tips and ideas from other bloggers, so if anyone has something they want me to blog about -- I'm all over it! 
Who is your favourite author and book and why?
     Hands down -- Jodi Picoult.  Interestingly enough, I picked up a Jodi Picoult book about 3 years ago at a library, and I just couldn't put it down.  Her writing style is incredible, and the topics that she writes on are amazing.  She is a perennial author due to the copious amounts of research she does on each topic.  I love the fact that while I am wrapped up in the lives of the characters in her books, I am also learning.  House Rules was the book that was released this year, and it dealt with Asperger's Disease.  I honestly had no idea what that was until I read the book.  Now that I've read the book, not only do I understand the disease, I am also able to see how it has impacted a family.  I highly recommend her to readers of all genres!!
Thanks to Brandi for letting us write at her blog and replying to our questions as well.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

How amazing is that? We got another award! This time "THANKS" go at BookGirl's Notebook. She is a new blogger and she is already doing great. I say go check it out. It has some cool reviews about Beastly,Kraken and Feed so far. It was good to read reviews for not the usual "trend" books.

The conditions of this award are that all recipients must:

1. Thank and link back to the person that gave this award
2. Write 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked to let them know about the award

7 Things About Myself (since we are 3 authors there are two of each one and on in general):
Johnny - I love the outdoors...which is ironic since i cant enjoy them the way i would really really like
Johnny - I have my own tea moments with Dredg (usually) when no one else is at home. Lights go out, tea is brewed and my favorite cd of Dredg or any other soundtrack plays. and i just do nothing at all
Nina - I love watching movies and read books. you always enter in a diffirent world so much diffirent that yours.
Nina - There is nothing better for me than a relaxing evening reading with a cup of tea on my room.
Yiota - I don't drink tea like the other two alone in my room. Only Ice Tea before my lessons start.
Yiota - This year I made my first full site layout and set it up at
All - We were all in the same school together for 6 years. Me(Yiota) and John were even 6 more years before at the primary school. Probably he will come at my uni now as well.

15 Bloggers we pass the award(no specific order):

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Georgina Kincaid: Succubus On Top Review

Love hurts, and no one knows it better than Georgina Kincaid. If she so much as kisses her new boyfriend, she’ll drain his life force. Georgina is a succubus—a demon who draws her power from other men’s pleasure. Admittedly, the shapeshifting and immortality perks are terrific, and yes, Georgina did choose to join the ranks of hell centuries ago. But it seems completely unfair that a she-demon whose purpose is seduction can’t get hot and heavy with the one mortal who knows and accepts her for who she is.
It’s not just her personal life that’s in chaos. Doug, Georgina’s co-worker at a local bookstore, has been exhibiting bizarre behavior, and Georgina suspects that something far more demonic than double espressos is at work. She could use help finding out, but Bastien, an irresistibly charming incubus and her best immortal friend, is preoccupied in the suburbs with corrupting an ultra-conservative talk radio star—and giving Georgina some highly distracting come-hither vibes. Georgina is going to have to work solo on this one—and fast because soon, Doug’s life won’t be the only one on the line…

REVIEW(3.8/5 stars):
Second book of Georgina Kincaid series and new problems appeared. This time the book follows three plots, in a way. It's not cut in parts but there are more than one thing going on. We have Georgina's best friend coming in town,the incubus Bastien, and she needs to help him with his job, there is a weird immortal drug dealer who mess up with Georgina's friends and lastly is her relationship,with her now boyfriend, Seth. At least the last part is going smoother than the other two.

If i put it opposite of the previous book,i like it much better. I think it's usual at Mead's books to like the next ones more than the previous ones. Anyway, i think the book was more well written and since we already know most of the characters, Mead could move them easier. The plot is far more interesting,with more action and less circling around Georgina's sex life. I liked how she managed to match all the three small plots into one big one. It makes the book less boring since you change environment often.

It had one big wrong thing for me. Mead decides to leave some of the old characters, like all Georgina's immortal friends, in the corner. I got used at them at the first book and now they were a bit away from this one, for non certain reason, and i really disliked it. As i said at the review of Succubus Blues, i was expecting to learn more about them but they only appeared 2-3 times in this one. I really hope the next to be different at this certain part.

I feel like i enjoyed the book a lot. Something i didn't feel after Succubus Blues. Even i started to like Georgina more as a character! Let's see if the next books of the series will affect me the same :)

Monday, September 27, 2010

50 Followers Giveaway!

Tadah! The time for us has come! We finally celebrate not only our 50 followers (in less than 2 months from the creation of the blog) but also our first ever giveaway! Big thanks to everyone who visits,follows and commenting!
On the giveaway now...

-The giveaway is open wherever BookDespository delivers (you can check if your country is in, right here )!
-You will pick a book of your choice up to 15 USD (there is a chance to be up to 20 USD until the deadline of the contest)
-The winner can pick more than one book, but with total cost 15 USD.
-The winner will have 48 hours to response at the e-mail. If we will not get an answer, new winner will be picked.
-The winner will be picked through
-It's not necessary to be a follower, but in case you are (new or old doesn't matter) you will have more chances to win.
-Contest ends Oct.26th,2010 at 12:00 PM. GMT+2

Please before you enter read our giveaway policy!

Please fill the form below

Our Interview With Daniel L Carter

Daniel L Carter*,created a cool feature at his blog where he interview bloggers. Every blog, can take the interview for free and answer some questions about themselves and their blog. The only thing, you need to do is to answer some questions and send them back with e-mail. Our interview, was accepted (thank you so much mr.Carter!), and now is posted for everyone to read it. If you want to take part at this great feature you can learn more about it here: Daniel L Carter-Bloggers Interview.

You can read our full interview at Daniel L Carter's blog. Bellow is a small piece of it.

DLC: What is the most rewarding aspect of blogging for you?

YNJ: The exchange of opinions and ideas is the perfect thing. It always feel good to see that someone has read your post. That you are not writing for yourself. Even a simple thanks.

DLC: How often do you blog?

YNJ: Normally we have one new review every day :)

*DANIEL L. CARTER, born and raised in New York State, has always enjoyed Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories. Some of his favorite authors include Robert Aspirin and Stephen R. Donaldson. Having acted in plays, such as Diary of Anne Frank and Damn Yankees, Daniel soon turned to writing skits and short plays, as well as directing. After studying at Elim Bible Institute and Hudson Valley Bible School, the desire to blend fantasy and faith drove him to begin a journey on finding a story that would do just that. The Unwanted, Book One in The Unwanted Trilogy, opens up a new world of Science Fiction and Fantasy that will appeal to many ages. Daniel is currently working on Book Three, Unholy Resurrection. He and his wife, Margo, reside in Western New York.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Artist of The Week #6


Official Description Of The Pic from the artist:

Digital Art / Paintings & Airbrushing / Landscapes & Scenery©2008-2010 *Grafik

History is distorted by those who make it… until recently it was made true that it was Captain Cook that discovered Australia, well go figure, recently irrefutable proofs were found in Australia that Portuguese discovers were there 200 years before. these facts were know is Portugal by historians but it was denied the right place in history, more, a stolen portuguese map of Australia was on the king of England room for 200 hundred years without they even know how to use it to discover the continent of Australia, that they did 200 hundred years later :)
I will not even talk about Christopher Columbus and the discover of America, but I believe in the future the real history will surface.

The ships portrait are Naus

last digital painting of this project i will be posting here

  •  DeviantArt Account:
  •  PageViews: 82.844
  • Current Residence: Algarve
  • Interests: surf art photography
  • Favourite style of art: all
  • Favourite cartoon character: spidey
  • Personal Quote: Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new
  • Tools of the Trade: CS2 Wacom
  • Email:

    In My MailBox (2) - Notable Quotes (1)

    In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren ! With this post, we share the books we've received this past week for review, borrowed from friends or the library, received as a gift and/or bought.

    Nina - The Wish House by Celia Reese published at 2005
    Yiota - Bad Moon Rising by Sheryl Kenyon published at 2010
    Yiota - Personal Demons by Lisa Descrochers published at 2010

    To Be Reviewed:
    Yiota - Succubus On Top by Richelle Mead published at 2008
    Nina - Heart's Delight by Per Nilsson published at 2005

    Other Goodies:
    2 Bookmarks from designed by Donna Jensen

    Notable Quotables is a new Saturday meme(fresh from the oven!) hosted by Bewitched Bookworms.Each time we share a quote we loved and explain why we picked it. Be part of it here: Notable Quotables

    "The Battle cry sort of gave you away. Try not to yell next time." -Dimitri, Vampire Academy
    picked by Yiota

    That's one of the my fav phrases ever. In all the books,movies and series when someone attacks from behind for someone reason they put him scream and not only that but they succeed as well. That's not really possible guys, when you attack do NOT scream! You will lose your advantage! Hahaha..Dimitri really knows how to train, isn't he?

    What's yours? ^^

    Thursday, September 23, 2010

    A House of Night Series: Betrayed, Review

    Zoey has managed to settle in at the House of Night and come to terms with the vast powers the Goddess Nyx has given her. Just as she finally feels she belongs, the unthinkable happens: human teenagers are being killed, and all evidence points to the House of Night. While danger stalks the humans from Zoey's old life, she begins to realize that the very powers that make her so unique might also threaten those she loves.
    This is the second book of the House of Night Series. Many things are happening to this book.

    In the outside world, young people disappear. People that Zoey knows and look like vampires have something to do with this. Zoey is one of the suspects.
    Eric is away for some kind of acting contest.
    Heath is after Zoey all this time, keep promising that he is going to give her blood if she wants, so he can keep her.
    A new really good looking teacher is coming to the school and takes Zoey's breath away.
    Zoey has to figure out what she will do with the Dark Daughters now, that she's a leader.
    One of Zoey's friend finds out that has special powers.
    And it seems like the "far from hell" is going to change sometime.
    Last but not least two bad things are happening:
    A death. And a truth that comes to light and shakes Zoey's world.

    Despite all the things that are happening, the book is steal simple. You still can figure out some things before they happen. And you still can read it as easily as the first. I know my review makes you think the book is kind of boring, but it's not like this. The thing is that I've already wrote many things about the series and I don't have anything new, so please forgive me.

    Ok, maybe there is something new. Remember when I told you that there are not all those clisses? Well, that continues. The whole "drinking blood" is changing as you learn many new facts about it. Can't say more, I'll ruin the story.

    The only thing I want to remind you is that the book is girly and that is easy to be read. It's not as good as the Twilight Saga, but it's a nice choice if you want to stay into the vampire world.

    Georgina Kincaid: Succubus Blues Review

    When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants. The wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they often pay with their souls, but why get technical?
    But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid’s life is far less exotic. Her boss is a middle-management demon with a thing for John Cusack movies. Her immortal best friends haven’t stopped teasing her about the time she shape-shifted into the Demon Goddess get-up complete with whip and wings. And she can’t have a decent date without sucking away part of the guy’s life. At least there’s her day job at a local bookstore—free books, all the white chocolate mochas she can drink, and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can’t.
    But dreaming about Seth will have to wait. Something wicked is at work in Seattle’s demon underground. And for once, all of her hot charms and drop-dead one-liners won’t help because Georgina’s about to discover there are some creatures out there that both heaven and hell want to deny…
    REVIEW(3/5 stars): After Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy, i thought to try one more of her series. Georgina Kincaid was picked. I have to admit i was expecting to read something like Vampire Academy but i a made a fool of myself.
    In the book, we follow Georgina's life. She is a succubus, one of the best. At her usual days she also work as mortal at a local bookstore. At the same time we follow her mortal life, we also follow the mystery succubus life. There have been murders at the immortal ranks and looks like she will be one of the victims as well. 
    I'm not really sure what to think about Georgina. As i said, i was expecting something like Vamprie Academy but this book is nothing like it. First of all, it's easily PG +18 (i didn't know that). The sex scenes were far too detailed for me. Sometimes were more than two pages long, if you can guess what i mean by detailed. I know what a succubus is. Of course i do. But i have to admit, that i didn't expect that. At Vampire Academy the scenes were a paragraph long. Nothing more. I didn't know it was over YA Reads this one. If you take away those parts and the only-sex romances i quite liked the book.  It has a really good background story, as always with Mead's books. The mystery with the murders and the life of the immortals is pretty good written. About that half book, i could guess who the bad guy was but then again it had a little surprise in the end. I also enjoyed the scenes with Georgina's immortal friends. They are hilarious. And i totally love them. Especially the two vampires and the imp.It's really a unique company. And what about the arch-demon to be buddies with an angel? I would love to see more in their relationship as well.
    So if you are over 18, you want a book with mystery,action,romance and sex - Succubus Blues is for you. Keep in mind Georgina Kincaid is 6 books series. I'm currently reading Succubus On Top.

    Georgina Kincaid series

    1. Succubus Blues (2007)
    2. Succubus on Top (2008) (UK title: Succubus Nights)
    3. Succubus Dreams (2008)
    4. Succubus Heat (June 2009)
    5. Succubus Shadows (March 30, 2010)
    6. Succubus Revealed (September 2011)

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Artist of The Week #5

    A Book Comes to Life by =FleurDeLyse

    Official Description Of The Pic from the artist:

    Traditional Art / Drawings / Fantasy©2009-2010 =FleurDeLyse
    Done in late 2007. It was an art class assignment in which we had to carry out in the style of M.C. Escher. I was particularly inspired by his piece "Reptiles."

    Prismacolor Pencils on cardstock, scanned, then digitally enhanced in Photoshop.

    Edit: Thank you so much for the DD! I really appreciate it. :)

    •  DeviantArt Account:
    •  PageViews: 38.854
    • Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA
    • Interests: Art, sketching, dragons, video games, music, anime, manga, vampires
    • Operating System: Mac OS X
    • MP3 player of choice: iPod Classic
    • Favourite game: Shadow of the Colossus, Super Smash Bros. Brawl
    • Favourite gaming platform: Wii, PS2
    • Tools of the Trade: Adobe Photoshop CS4, Wacom Intuos 3 Tablet, scanner, sketchbook, mechanical pencil.

      Thursday, September 16, 2010

      Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex Review

      Artemis has committed his entire fortune to a project he believes will save the planet and its inhabitants, both human and fairy. Can it be true? Has goodness taken hold of the world’s greatest teenage criminal mastermind?
      Captain Holly Short is unconvinced, and discovers that Artemis is suffering from Atlantis Complex, a psychosis common among guilt-ridden fairies -- not humans -- and most likely triggered by Artemis’s dabbling with fairy magic. Symptoms include obsessive-compulsive behavior, paranoia, multiple personality disorder and, in extreme cases, embarrassing professions of love to a certain feisty LEPrecon fairy.
      Unfortunately, Atlantis Complex has struck at the worst possible time. A deadly foe from Holly’s past is intent on destroying the actual city of Atlantis. Can Artemis escape the confines of his mind -- and the grips of a giant squid -- in time to save the underwater metropolis and its fairy inhabitants?
      New York Times best-selling author Eoin Colfer delivers a knockout, fast-paced, and hilarious adventure in Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex, the seventh book in the blockbuster series 

      Eoin Colfer continues the adventures of Artemis Fowl and his friends in one more book. As usual we follow Artemis and his plans with the fairies. In this book Artemis suffering from Atlantis Complex and as result he is afraid of his friends, he counts everything to be related with the number 5 and he even brought out his inner self Orion. Orion was leaving inside Artemis mind and he can't recognize which of Artemis thoughts are memories, books, news,etc. So when he comes out, Holly has to settle with a different person than she used to, who is not mastermind, he is flirting with her and think he tries to save a princess from a dragon. Plus they have to save the fairy world one more time.

      Colfer goes different in this book than his fans are use to and he puts his characters out of their own little world. As always, in parts of the book we see the villains planning. The difference of the rest books in that certain part is that now, the villain's story is even bigger part. It takes more than 1/3 of the book. I can understand why Colfer writes more about his new villain, to understand his character but it got me bored. I was really uninterested in those parts and it was tiring me. I really believe he would have written less about it. It was my worst part and unfortunately it's about 100 pages long.
      But to balance that, our author adds one more different thing. For a first time ever we see more of the Butler brothers and Fowly. Fowly, who used to be the tech and gave orders from his place now he is in the battlefield and he is freaking out. Good to see a another side of him. In addition we have Butler and his sister Juliet together. We see Butler away from Artemis on his own little adventure, we see him fight along his sister and finally we see Juliet in action. That girl fairly belongs to the Butler family. That's all i have to say.

      After all, i like the book. It has a big boring part but some scenes with Orion,Artemis, Butler,Juliet,Fowly are really worth to be read. I could hear myself laugh a lot, something i never did in the previous books. I believe that everyone who follows the series need to read the book since it looks from the end that we will get one more.

      Wednesday, September 15, 2010

      " The Ranger's Apprentice: The Burning Bridge" Review

      Bracing for a final clash with the evil warlord Morgarath, the Rangers rally the kingdom’s allies, and Will is chosen, along with his friend Horace, as special envoys to nearby Celtica. But the simple mission soon takes an unsettling turn – the Celticans have disappeared, their town abandoned. The scheming hand of Morgarath, it seems, has been far from idle. He has found a way to bring his legions over the once impassible eastern mountains and is planning to ambush the king’s army in a rout. Now with help many miles away, Will and Horace are the only ones standing in the way of the dark lord’s plans.They have shown great skill and courage in their training, but how will they fare in the face of true evil?
      The second book of the Ranger's Apprentice series takes us through the journeys of young Will throughout the lands of the Celts. This time seeking the aid of the Celt people against the evil Morgarath etc etc. There they will find a land torn and split as...well i shouldn't actually say due to spoil but...Morgarath has been taking Celts as slaves. Will will then have to find out what Morgarath is planning and stop his devious plans.

      Once again John Flanagan manages to create another interesting story of the ranger's apprentice story. This particular one is, in my opinion, far better than the first one. For starters this book introduces some new characters who are quite interesting and add up to the Araluan world giving you a more overall view of the rangers and the kingdom in gerenarl. Also it has more action as we will see Will and other characters to be forced to kill for the very first time. Again i am very satisfied by the way this book is written, giving enough detail without becoming excessive and tiresome. The storyline is more action oriented and you will find out that the ranger's series has more to what meets the eye as the book has many twists that i must say i wasn't really expecting (or actually was but didn't want to believe them) I honestly recomend this book as well as the entire series without any hesitation.

      P.S i know you will change my synopsis of the book you evil Admin *threatening aggressive look*

      Tuesday, September 14, 2010

      Gentlemen & Players, Review

      For genarations privileged young men have attended St.Oswald's Grammar School for Boys, groomed for success by the likes of Roy Straitley, the eccentric Classics teacher who has been a fixture there for more than thirty years. This year, however, the wind of unwelcome change is blowing, and Straitley is finally, reluctantly, contemplating retirement. As the new term gets under way, a number of incidents befall students and faculty alike, beginning as small annoyances but soon escalating in both number and consequence. St.Oswald's is unraveling and only Straitley stands in the way of its ruin. But he faces a formidable opponent with a bitter grudge and a master strategy that has been meticulously planned to the final, deadly move.

      I don't know exactly why I bought this book. It looked nice to have a book on my shelves that was normal, with simple people, no magicians, no genius children and so. Well, I have to admit that most of the books I thought they are simple, they are not. And this is an example.

      The book is telling the story of a young student. It's experiece. The way the school is working. And it's relationships with the people among it. It's family, its friends, its teachers.
      The book is also telling the story of a Latin teacher, who's been working for the school for several years. He tells us stories of his past and events that are happening to his life in the present.
      Meanwhile, there is somebody in the school, a teacher, an assistant, a student, no-one knows, who makes jokes, that put in danger many lives and many work spaces.

      As I said, this book is not normal. There are many travels back and forward to the past and the present as both of the main characters-the student and the teacher-are talking. When you read it, you have to be careful not to miss a spot. Mostly, when you follow the evidence correctly you understand the end before the book reveilles it. But this book was more complex than the others I've read on the past. You figure out the truth when the writer tells you so.

      This was the second book of Joanne Harris that I've read(the first was for young people). I wasn't sure at the beggining because Joanne Harris is also the writer of Chocolat (the book is been a movie with Johnny Depp). But it totally surpriced me. The book is not one of those that keep you in agony, because so many things are happening in, that after a point you understand that you have to sit back, relax and let the story reveille in front of you.

      And the end comes. And you're adsolutely sure who's who. You've guessed, you've followed the evidence, it doesn't matter. Cause the end is going to surprise you, no matter what.

      That's why I'm suggesting it to you. Believe me when I say that after reading it I was speechless for several days and I was refusing to read something else, since I wanted to calm after it.

      Monday, September 13, 2010

      Sexy, Review

      The most provocative young adult novel yet from New York Times best-selling author Joyce Carol Oates.
      Darren Flynn is popular, good-looking, and has a spot on the varsity swim team. But after what happened that day in November (did it happen?), life is different for Darren.
      Now his friends, his family, even the people who are supposed to be in charge are no longer who Darren thought they were. Who can he trust now?
      In her third novel for young adults, the author of the acclaimed Big Mouth & Ugly Girl leads readers on an internal journey of self-discovery, moral complexity, and sexuality.

      This book was my last choice. I had plenty of money to spend (it was my birthday) and I was hoping from the title that is going to be a book for a guy who tries to figure out his sexuality. But I was wrong. Not fully, but still wrong.

      The book says about this high-school athlete who's shy and so much different from his play mates. He doesn't have a car so his best friend gets him home after practice. One day there is snow and he has a disaggreement with his friend. So his stuck in the school. One of his teachers sees him and offers him his service. To get him home. On the road, they stop on a coffee shop and they get spotted by some students' mothers. And the rumor begin. The next day all the school is talking about the teacher and who he really is. Thank God no-one noticed the high-school student in the passenger's seat. And the worries for the guy begin. What have happened? And why have happened? And it really happened?

      As I told the character is pretty shy, when it comes to the girls. So that incident makes him think about his sexuality. He is starting to have doubts about himself. Mostly why this thing happened to him and what he should do next.

      The writer is really great. She keeps you in agony the whole time. Who's really the teacher. And what the guy is going to do. And it's amazing. Even if the book is been written by a female author, you learn many things about guys. How they think and about their considerations. Teenage guys have, somehow, about the same number of problems, the girls have. And no girl knows about. That's why I'm telling you that the book can be read from anyone.

      This is a book that makes you think lots of things. It's hard for me to explain so if you have any opinions, I would be more than glad to hear about them.

      Sunday, September 12, 2010

      In My MailBox (1)

      In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren ! With this post, we share the books we've received this past week for review, borrowed from friends or the library, received as a gift and/or bought.

      Yiota - Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare released at Aug.31 2010
      Nina - Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L.J Smith  released at 1991
      Nina - Vampire Diaries: The Struggle by L.J Smith released at 1991
      Nina - Southern Vampires: Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris released at May 2001

      Yiota - Georgina Kincaid: Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead released at 2007 ( Gift by )
      Yiota - Georgina Kincaid: Succubus Nights by Richelle Mead released at 2008 ( Gift by )

      To Be Reviewed:
      Yiota - Artemis Fowl: Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer
      Nina -  Gentlemen And Players by Harris Joanne
      Nina - Sexy by Oates Joice Carol

      Other Book Thingies:
      Bookmark by designed by Alina Pancere

      Artist of The Week #4

      At the threshold of oblivion by *dark-spider

      Official Description Of The Pic from the artist:

      Digital Art / Paintings & Airbrushing / Fantasy©2010 *dark-spider
      I'm back after several weeks of hard work :). My third artbook, Forgotten 3, is already finished and ready to be published in a few weeks. It will be published first in Spanish, and other languages will follow. I will keep you updated about it :aww:

      About this image, it was done back in 2008 for the artbook Forgotten 2: The Portal of Destiny along with more than 40 images. It belongs to the story "Letters in the darkness", a tale about voodoo, haunted paintings and isolated victorian mansions in New Orleans. It was also featured as the cover of the book.

      Two weeks of hard work in Photoshop :).

      Forgotten 2 is available for sale in english [link] and spanish [link] , and other languages are on the way.


      Artwork (c) Cris Ortega / Norma Editorial, S. A.

      •  DeviantArt Account:
      •  PageViews: 702.255
      • Current Residence: Spain
      • Favourite movie: Ringu, Labyrinth, Nightmare before christmas
      • Favourite genre of music: celtic-gothic, rock and pop
      • Favourite artist: Luis Royo, Waterhouse, Bowser, Kouyu Shurei
      • Favourite poet or writer: Edgar Allan Poe, Neil Gaiman, Mary Shelley, Diane Setterfield
      • Favourite style of art: Anime and fantasy
      • Favourite game: Final Fantasy, Resident Evil
      • Favourite gaming platform: Play Station
      • Personal Quote: If I'm the only one who's gonna live my life, I will choose how I want to live it.
      • Tools of the Trade: Photoshop, Painter
      • Website:
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        Saturday, September 11, 2010

        Clockwork Angel Review

        When sixteen-year-old Tessa Gray crosses the ocean to find her brother, her destination is England, the time is the reign of Queen Victoria, and something terrifying is waiting for her in London's Downworld, where vampires, warlocks and other supernatural folk stalk the gaslit streets. Only the Shadowhunters, warriors dedicated to ridding the world of demons, keep order amidst the chaos.
        Kidnapped by the mysterious Dark Sisters, members of a secret organization called The Pandemonium Club, Tessa soon learns that she herself is a Downworlder with a rare ability: the power to transform, at will, into another person. What's more, the Magister, the shadowy figure who runs the Club, will stop at nothing to claim Tessa's power for his own.
        Friendless and hunted, Tessa takes refuge with the Shadowhunters of the London Institute, who swear to find her brother if she will use her power to help them. She soon finds herself fascinated by--and torn between--two best friends: James, whose fragile beauty hides a deadly secret, and blue-eyed Will, whose caustic wit and volatile moods keep everyone in his life at arm's length...everyone, that is, but Tessa. As their search draws them deep into the heart of an arcane plot that threatens to destroy the Shadowhunters, Tessa realizes that she may need to choose between saving her brother and helping her new friends save the world...and that love may be the most dangerous magic of all. 

        I literally just finished the book. I wanted to write the review when is still fresh in my mind.

        To start with the environment i felt in love with it. It's one of the best settings i have read. When i was reading i was in London at 1878. I've never been there but the whole city, the atmosphere was "designed" in mind perfectly. With every little detail. There are not few...

        Friday, September 10, 2010

        Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, Review

        Nick, a high-school senior from Hoboken, can't stop obsessing about Tris, his cute, blond, conniving ex-girlfriend. Norah, also a senior and an acquaintance of Tris's, is dissed by Tris at a club in New York City, so to show she's cool and has a boyfriend, she goes up a stranger, whispers in his ear, and kisses him. It's Nick. Thus begins a night of fits and starts between Nick and Norah as they share a love of music, hunt for an elusive band scheduled to play somewhere that night, search for Norah's drunk friend Caroline-with the help of Nick's gay band mates, and keep running into Tris and Norah's sort-of boyfriend. Both Nick and Norah have to figure out what they want.

        When I saw the trailer, I thought that Michael Cera had a cool role. And I was right. This must be the first role of Michael Cera that is not a virgin guy with no hope when it comes to the girls.

        The story says about Nick. His girlfriend breaks up with him and he wants her back. One night he goes out with his gay buddies and Norah approaches him.
        The story says about Norah. Her boyfriend is a loser that wants her for her benefits. One night she goes out with her best friend and approaches Nick.
        The reason? Well, Nick's ex-girlfriend is also Norah's bully at school.
        And the story begin with the characters chasing a band and chasing their friends and ex's and finding solutions on their problems. With company the music.

        About the cast:
        Michael Cera: As I told, his role is really great. So much diffirent from the others we've seen him. Great change that totally surprises you.
        Kat Dennings: It is great to see her in a non-dark role. She reminds me nothing from her role in Raise your Voice or Big Mama's House 2.

        The movie is set in New York and all of these happen in only one night. It's pretty amazing, I have to admit, that in a city so big, full of roads and cars, you can have fun on a van and not in a club. The message the movie wants to send is that music connects people. Even it's on the '60s (see The Boat that Rocked), or in our days.

        Last thing I want to tell you. Just mention the "gum trip". I believe the gum is the main character of the movie.

        Thursday, September 9, 2010

        "Ranger's Apprentice: Ruins Of Gorlan" Review

        He had always wanted to be a warrior. The Rangers, with their dark cloaks and shadowy ways, made him nervous. The villagers believe the Rangers practice magic that makes them invisible to ordinary people. And now fifteen year-old Will, always small for his age, has been chosen as a Ranger's apprentice. What he doesn't realize yet is that the Rangers are the protectors of the kingdom. Highly trained in the skills of battle and surveillance, they fight the battles before the battles reach the people. And as Will is about to learn, there is a large battle brewing. The exiled Morgarath, Lord of the Mountains of Rain and Night, is gathering his forces for an attack on the kingdom. This time, he will not be denied . . . .(from goodreads)

        The Ruins of Gorlan book of the Ranger's Apprentice series, unravels in the land of Araluen, where a infamous lord , lord Morgarath, is massing his army and slowly unfolds his plan to attack the kingdom of Araluen and extract his revenge on the King and his lords. The main character, Will, is an orphan boy that grows up between the other orphan kids, called wards, of the castle of Redmont. There we will see him as he fights with his childhood-nemesis Horace and or pull out various mischievous acts while he tries his best to remain unseen. His body stature was short and dexterous and nothing compared to the massive structure of his enemy Horace so Will had to learn other ways to cope with everyday life. Eventually his sneaking abilities and climbing skills manage to get the attention of Halt, a ranger who later takes the boy under his wing as an apprentice. At the beginning Will is...

        Wednesday, September 8, 2010

        The Guardians Of Time Review

        The Guardians of Time Trilogy is a series of novels written by Marianne Curley. The plot of the trilogy consists of the Guardians of Time (the Guard), trying to protect the past, present, and future by traveling into the past to thwart their enemies, the Order of Chaos (the Order), who are trying to change past events to give themselves more power.
        The books in this trilogy are The Named, The Dark, and The Key (from wikipedia)

        REVIEW BOOKS 1-3 (bits of spoiler):

        The main story is set in present years though some parts are in the past. We follow one by one the people that will become Guardians of Time starting with Ethan. Ethan has a long family history that we see to appear a lot in the book and we even get some glimpses of him before he get his power. Later they are coming in the story Isabelle, Arkanian, Matt, Rochelle, Neriah and many other to take their position as Guardians of Time. Their job is to protect the world from the Order of Chaos. The Order of Chaos sent their people back to the past in certain events and trying to change it like its serves their purposes. The Guardians are going back as well, trying to figure who is the bad guys and protect the world and its history.All of them happen when they sleep.

        As it happend at Old Magic too, the book is...

        Tuesday, September 7, 2010

        Old Magic, Review

        His name is Jarrod Thomton. He has blond-red hair to his shoulders, nice clean skin and green eyes like fiery emeralds; but this is not why I can't drug my eyes of him. There's something else. Something disturbing....
        Kate is at a loss. She meets a boy with extraodinary powers and a bizarre family history that can be traced back to the Middle Ages. But Jarrod doesn't believe in the paranormal. When Kate tries to convince him that he has supernatural powers that need to be hamessed, he doesn't take her seriously, and only puts up with her "hocus pocus" notions because he finds her captiving.
        However, the dangerous, uncontrolled strengthening of his gift finally convinces Jarrod that he must take Kate's theories seriously. Together, they emback on a remarkable journey-one which will unravel the mystery that has hung over Jarrod's family for generations and finds them pitted against immence forces in a battle to undo the past and reshape the future.
        This is one of the books that you remember for many reasons. For me, was the first book I've read about magic. One of the first I've read secretly, my parents had no clue since it was school season, while I was on the class-yes, during the lessons- and on the breaks. The first I've shared with my high-school BFF (which is Yiota, by the way).

        The story tells about Kate and Jarrod. Kate lives on a small village with her grandma and knows that she has magical powers. Jarrod moves in the same village. Kate recognizes that Jarrod has special powers too and try to convince him. And Jarrod...

        Monday, September 6, 2010

        Vampirates Series Review

        I'll tell you a tale of Vampirates,
        A tale as old as true.
        Yea, I'll sing you a song of an ancient ship,
        And its mighty fearsome crew.

        REVIEW BOOKS 1-4(bits of spoiler):

        The Vampirates Series are set in the future at the year 2505. At that time there is a new era of piracy which is rising. Whoever control the seas, control an the world the say. We follow up the 16 year old twins, Connor and Grace and their life after their father died. While they try to escape from their fate in the town they live with a small boat, a storm is coming upon them. The two kids are losing each other. Connor was saved by a Molocco Wrath and his pirate crew while Grace was saved from Lorcan Furey from the Vampirates ship. At the first book we have the kids trying to find each other once again when at the same time the learn about the new worlds they met and make new friends. When they meet again, Grace decides that she can't leave away from the mysterious ship of the Vampirates and her new friends. They separate once again. Grace tries to understand the world of the vampires and vampirates by staying with them. On the other hand Connor tries....

        Sunday, September 5, 2010

        Artist of The Week #3

        Commission: Ellarwyn by =charlie140588

        Official Description Of The Pic from the artist:

        A commission for the wonderful ~lenoki of her character Ellarwyn.
        Photoshop CS3
        Wacom Intuos 3

        •  DeviantArt Account:
        •  PageViews: 1.053.360
        • Current Residence: Midlands UK
        • Interests: Art, reading, music, movies
        • Favourite movie: Back To The Future, Howls Moving Castle, Fight Club
        • Favourite artist: Jason Chan, David Levy, Emrah Elmasli, Marc Brunet, Skan Srisuwan, Kuang Hong & Marta Dahlig.
        • Operating System: Windows Vista
        • Favourite game: Shadow of the colossus, Final Fantasy X
        • Favourite gaming platform: Playstation 3
        • Favourite cartoon character: Fry
        • Tools of the Trade: Sketch book, Mechanical pencil, Photoshop CS3 and Wacom intuos 3
        • Email:

        Youth in Revolt, Review

        At 16, Nick Twisp is wry about his teen funk; he lives in Oakland with his sex-addled mother; his father's child support is her meal ticket. While camping in Ukiah, Nick meets Sheeni: for him, it's love at first sight. Nick has to figure out how to get his father a job in Ukiah, then how to get sent to live with his father, then how to get closed to Sheeni, whose religious parents may want her sent away from temptation to a boarding school. There's also Sheeni's all-American boyfriend to contend with. Overwhelmed by the challenges, Nick's about to give up when he conjures an alter ego who whispers revolt into his ear. Nick is not altogether hapless, but can this end well?

        When I saw the trailer I thought this is going to be a simple movie with a guy who wants to win the girl. Well, this movie wasn't simple.

        It tells about this 16-year-old guy who has divorced parents. When his mom's loser boyfriend is been chased by some unpleasant customers of him, they decide to run away onto a RV area. There he meets the girl. He instantly fells for her and he could do everything for her. And I mean everything. One of them is creating this super cool alter ego that takes his place when he's in trouble. Who's in lot of troubles after he decides to win the girl from her hot boyfriend.

        All the characters live on their own worlds. From the mom who believes her boyfriends more than her son to the girl's brother, but he's mostly high so I don't think that counts. Anyway, they all give the guy a reason for not to be when he grows up and make him want the girl more.

        About the cast:
        Michael Cera is really great. This role is suitable for him. I believe he gives a little bit of hope to all the guys out there that are not that lucky with the girls.
        Portia Doubleday. Maybe you will think she's a bitch for making a nice guy do all those things for her, but it totally worth it.
        There is also an amount of other actros including Ray Liotta, Zack Galifianakis and Justin Long.

        This is a movie that shows you exactly what an alter ego means. What we can create with our minds. And how far we can go for the boy or the girl we are in love with.

        Last thing I want to tell you: I totally believe that we can transform to our other selves. Just think a young girl, who with the appropriate clothes and make-up, can be from the daddy's little girl to the super mean slut, and a young boy who can be from the super nerd to the super cool.

        Friday, September 3, 2010

        Valentine's Day, Review

        We are on the Valentine's Day. Three couples awake together, but each relationship will sputter; are any worth saving? A grade-school boy wants flowers for his first love; two high school seniors plan first-time sex at noon; a TV sports reporter gets the assignment to find romance in L.A.; a star quarterback contemplanes his future; two strangers meet on a plane; grandparents, together for years, face a crisis; and, an "I Hate Valentine's Day" dinner beckons the lonely and the lied to. Can Cupid finish his work by midnight?

        I am not one of those girls who get depressed on this day, but watching the trailer I wanted to see the movie just because of all those actors co-operating on a project.

        The story is complicated. It shows diffirent people and the way they spend the Valentine's Day. Some of them are happy, some depressed, other find truths that didn't wanted to, others reveille secrets that can't keep for themselves any more. The characters are familiar to each other. All of them are combined in ways that makes you think, you are living in a small world. I can't tell anything about the acting part, because the actors have small roles that don't need much effort. They keep it simple and you can easily notice, similarities with the roles that they have on TV or other movies.

        I know that it doesn't tell you much. And I know that is out of time, but I believe that this is a nice movie for people to see, and maybe take ideas for the next Valentine's Day. Single or not this is a day of celebration. The truth is that I consider the day as a day of love and caring. And you don't have to think about all those lovers on the streets. The message I want to pass is that you should show your feelings more to the people that you love and care about.

        Last thing. If you haven't seen the movie, because you didn't like the plot, re-consider it. For the girls we have: Brandley Cooper, Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey, Jamie Foxx, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Lautner. And for the guys: Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jennifer Garner, Anne Hathaway, Julia Roberts. Or the opposite. I know, I'm a little bit of shallow, but I really wanted to see the film for all of the above, plus their co-operation.

        Wednesday, September 1, 2010

        The Mortal Instruments Series Review

        City Of Bones:  When fifteen-year-old Clary Fray heads out to the Pandemonium Club in New York City, she hardly expects to witness a murder—much less a murder committed by three teenagers covered with strange tattoos and brandishing bizarre weapons. Clary knows she should call the police, but it's hard to explain a murder when the body disappears into thin air and the murderers are invisible to everyone but Clary.
        Equally startled by her ability to see them, the murderers explain themselves as Shadowhunters: a secret tribe of warriors dedicated to ridding the earth of demons. Within twenty-four hours, Clary's mother disappears and Clary herself is almost killed by a grotesque demon. But why would demons be interested in ordinary mundanes like Clary and her mother? And how did Clary suddenly get the Sight? The Shadowhunters would like to know...
        City of Ashes: Clary Fray just wishes that her life would go back to normal. But what's normal when you're a demon-slaying Shadowhunter, your mother is in a magically induced coma, and you can suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her best friend, Simon, who's becoming more than a friend. But the Shadowhunting world isn't ready to let her go -- especially her handsome, infuriating, newfound brother, Jace. And Clary's only chance to help her mother is to track down rogue Shadowhunter Valentine, who is probably insane, certainly evil -- and also her father.To complicate matters, someone in New York City is murdering Downworlder children. Is Valentine behind the killings -- and if he is, what is he trying to do? When the second of the Mortal Instruments, the Soul-Sword, is stolen, the terrifying Inquisitor arrives to investigate and zooms right in on Jace. How can Clary stop Valentine if Jace is willing to betray everything he believes in to help their father?
        City of Glass: To save her mother's life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters -- never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and her best friend, Simon, has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight.  As Clary uncovers more about her family's past, she finds an ally in mysterious Shadowhunter Sebastian. With Valentine mustering the full force of his power to destroy all Shadowhunters forever, their only chance to defeat him is to fight alongside their eternal enemies. But can Downworlders and Shadowhunters put aside their hatred to work together? While Jace realizes exactly how much he's willing to risk for Clary, can she harness her newfound powers to help save the Glass City -- whatever the cost?

        Since i'm impatiently waiting for Clockwork Angel to arrive (finally was dispatched yesterday) i decided to do a sum-up review at Cassandra's Clare The Mortal Instruments series (sequel of the Infernal Devices which include Clockwork Angel). I will try not to spoil more than the summaries have already done. Actually i will not spoil at all. Read it :)

        First of all, on Clare's writing style. What i can say...i love it. After Harry Potter i couldn't believe i could find a same-style world story to enjoy. Most of them were copying it or they were too predictable for me. And then it showed up! City Of Bones was translated in Greek by Platypus Publications. First i was amazed by the cover (i found really important a book has a good and attractive cover) and then i read the summery. I bought and finished it in less than 24 hours. Same came with the rest two books which i purchased in English. I have to admit that i love Clare's writing more than Rowling's. I do love HP but sorry guys TMI topped it for me(HP fans don't kill me). Clare write in a simple way which make you understand perfectly the situation and the places. It's really easy to become one with the book and live in her world. Also i like her humor much more and how she puts her characters in. Finally a book which hasn't a miserable main character or something like that. They all know why they are there and they are accepting what's is going on in a normal way. According to their personalities of course.