Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Book VS Movie #2:The Private Lives of Pippa Lee

Story Summary: Pippa is on her 50s while her husband on his 80s. She has two kids that are grown up and start their own lives. The story starts when Pippa and her husband move on the suburbs. Their lives change and Pippa starts to wonder if she took the right decisions for her life as she rewinds her childhood and teenage years before she end up married with kids. Meanwhile, her neighbor's son returns home and shakes Pippa's world with his character.

Where the book wins: There are more details. You can understand how Pippa was feeling and what have happened in her life with more details. There are more events and more characters that in the movie would be tiring, but in the book were connecting dots about Pippa's life.
Publised at 2008.

Where the movie wins: They say a picture is 1000 words. You can see the people and the places if you couldn't understand the book. There are great actors that match with the characters and some events are passing in frond of your eyes much easier than the book.
Released at 2009.

Final Winner: It's a Tie. Seriously, there are almost the same.
In case you've seen the movie and read the book, do you agree with me?

1 comment:

  1. I loved the book but haven't watched the movie yet. But since you recommend it , I will check it out.


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