Sunday, October 17, 2010

Notable Quotables #4

Notable Quotables is a meme hosted by Bewitched Bookworms.Each time we share a quote we loved and explain why we picked it. Be part of it here: Notable Quotables

"Your telephone! Your friend Travis is in it!" - Talia by A Kiss In Time,Alex Flinn
picked byYiota

Oh my how i laughed at this scene!It's the best scene from all the "awkward" ones Talia has. Talia has no idea of the modern world and she is so funny as to tries to understand everything.That's the result when you were sleeping for 300 years. I haven't finished the book yet, as you can see from the Currently Reading but i will today. So you will have a full review soon! I think it's one of the best books i have read. It's so cute and so fun to read!

What's yours today?


  1. *giggles* this sounds like a fun read!! Can't wait to read your review!

  2. Hehe I think I will add this to my TBR


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)