Friday, November 5, 2010

Dragon, Dragon Review

John Gardner's first children's book takes the traditional fairy tale and turns it on its head. In the title story, a meddlesome dragon meets his match. "The Tailor and the Giant" tells the story of a cowardly man who finally faces his fears. A villainous beast of burden attempts to rid himself of his master in "The Miller's Mule." And in "The Last Piece of Light," a brave young chimney-sweep saves the world from darkness.  
Filledwith irreverent twists on the classic elements of princes and princesses, witches and wizards, and the magical realms that they inhabit, Dragon, Dragon is a collection of fun and fantastic tales to be cherished by readers of all ages.


I know that's mostly a kid's book but i so loved it. Who doesn't love fairytales huh?

The book has in it, 4 stories of 5-6 pages each one.
Dragon,Dragon - Is a story of 3 young brothers who try to kill a mean dragon and win half the kingdom and the princess. The story teaches belief and how sometimes we need to hear the others and what they say. Plus, it's really funny XD
The Tailor and the Giant - Here we have a mighty giant who eats people from the town and a coward tailor who at last wins. Talk about bravery and not fear to express your ideas.
The Miller's Mule - When the miller decides to kill the mule, he decides to make his life difficult. Magic, wealth, cleverness. All part of our two main characters. I really liked this one!!^^
The Last Pierce of Light - A young girl with nothing, is the savior of the world when all the lights disappear.

Even if the stories are childish and simple, i believe every age will like them. And they are different from the usual Grim's stories that everyone is used to. Teens can remember how to be kids, a perfect reading for parents and little kids too.
I say if you have some time try it. It's really cute and fun. I, for sure, enjoy it a lot.

Thanks Open Road for providing an ARC Copy for review.


  1. The book sounds like a fun read.Thanks for the review!

  2. I'm reading the story in class. So far, so good! XD tehehe...

  3. Nice book so far, very good and cool for all ages!
    Love it! SO exciting!
    -From the same person who said that
    "I'm reading the story in class. So far, so good! XD tehehe...
    :~D" comment

  4. @Christina: it's good isn't it? simple fairytales but still enjoyable!


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)