Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Finds #1

What great books did you find this week? Share with us at Friday Finds.
Friday Finds, it's a meme hosted by Should Be Reading and it's about all the new book discoveries you found about each week. I really liked the idea to share your new TBR additions with the others, so here we are...This is the first time we do the meme, so everything is Yiota :)

Click on the book covers to read their summaries.

Since we are also a movie reviews blog, i found a pretty good idea to share trailers i found out in the week from movies.


  1. I wanna see all of the movies....Love all of the trailers....Hope the movies themselves to be great too....

  2. I doubt a little about the Red Riding Hood but sure i will try it. Your Highness looks funny XD

  3. i say we see them all, just to be cool :P

  4. obviously we will see them least i plan to XD

  5. i pretend i didnt see the part after the dots :P

  6. i know i will see the "Your Highness" it seems really funny!!!
    The Red Riding Hood maybe..
    and also...."there's water in the tap" !!!!

  7. @Johnny: maybe someone of you don't wanna see it and it gets out..remember what happened with The Losers and Bleach.

    @Athanasia: "there's water in the tap?"??

  8. @ Yiota hey when we have other amazing movies to see those tupes of movies go on the postpone list :P

  9. Falling Under is on my WL too!

    Here are my Finds

  10. All the movie trailers are great! Thank you for sharing!

  11. "there's water in the tap?"
    from the "Green Lantern"... it's hilarious


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)