Wednesday, January 12, 2011

what's new wednesday #2

What's New Wednesday is hosted by My Love Affair With Books and i totally love it since i can put in all the interesting news we found about each week!

In front of every little paragraph will be a tag ( Music,Movie, Book,etc) so in case you are not interested in something you can just skip it. At the end, are our week's finds.

What's New?

[Blog] We won Stylish Blog Award! Congrats to us! I'm not writing a post since we have already answer the questions.

[Blog] Do you know those cool loading bars under the challenges? Wanna learn how to make your own fast? Then check Small Review's post about How To Make A Progress Bar.

[Blog] The voting for Lisa Shearin Cover Contest is open! My creation is #6. Go ahead and vote your favorite!

[Book] The promotional shooting for Cassandra Clare's CoFA was done and both the photographer and Cassandra shared photos from behind the scenes! You can find them here or here.
Simon & Izzy
[Book] The US cover of Lauren Kate's Passion was released. Not really fan of it. The previous had more emotion in them.

[Movies/Books]  Hunger Games movie will be PG-13 Rating. Read the full article here.

[Movie] Ian McKellen ( Gandalf ), Andam Serkis (Gollum), Orlando Bloom (Legolas), Elijah Wood (Frodo), Christopher Lee(Saruman) and Cate Blancett(Galadriel) are all coming back for The Hobbit. Interesting fact is, that neither Legolas or Frodo appear in the book. Rumor is that the rest gang of the hobbits will sign, as well as Aragorn. Another rumor is that David Tennant will play an elf king in the movie.

[Movie] A fourth Jurassic Park is on the move! :o

[TV] Last week i told you a new mini series called Camelot. This week the trailer came out (30 seconds to Mars playing behind) along with some photos. You can watch the trailer and more photos at MovieWeb.

[TV] More new series announced: Terra Nova ( May 23rd-24th), Wicked MiniSeries (starring Salma Hayek), Treasure Island MiniSeries (starring Elijah Wood).

Click on the book covers for their summaries at goodreads.

Movie Trailers:


  1. I love this post! l find it really interesting to read and can quickly find what l want to read, thanks!

  2. Awesome news ! But the one I am most excited about is The Hobbit movie adaptation!! YAY!
    I watched The Black Swan last week with my friends. I couldn't sleep after watching it !

  3. i loved this post!!

    i'm totaly watching The Black Swan, but misha you scared me! lol, why u couldn't sleep? is it that scary??

    i'm not crazy about the Hobbit, but i'll see that too.

    last but not least i voted for yiotas cover! yay !!

  4. I so totally love your blog! You find such great books and movies and tv shows. I am going to be so busy thanks to you guys :) And another link to my blog! You all rock!

  5. Congratulations that you guys won the stylish blogger award, you guys deserved it! :D

  6. Oh guys i'm so happy you like the post!:D

    @athanasia: thanks for the vote!

    @Small Review: it will a link at the next one too:p Lol

    @Lisa: thanks!


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)