Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's New Wednesday #7

What's New Wednesday is hosted by My Love Affair With Books and i totally love it since i can put in all the interesting news we found about each week!

In front of every little paragraph will be a tag ( Music,Movie, Book,etc) so in case you are not interested in something you can just skip it. At the end, are our week's finds.

[Blog] Sara is Reading What? is interviewing the author Heather Wardell who wrote: Go Small or Go Home, and Seven Exes are Eight too many. So go pay her a visit!

[Books] Some lovely new covers that released this week

[Book] The first full chapter of City of Fallen Angels is available at Mortal Instrument site.

[Author] L.J.Smith, author of Vampire Diaries was fired. That's probably old new, but they surprised since i didn't know how an author could be fired from their work. As i learn, Smith was just writing the idea the publications gave her and it wasn't her own. They actually hired her to write the book. I didn't know how this could happen. Learn more about L.J.Smith fired from Vampire Diaries. Smith, worked on the series for 20 years and someone else will continue now. This is just plain weird....

[Music] Paramore performed a new song live. I don't know if it's a cover or theirs but i like it. View In The Mourning. 

[Music] Britney has a new music video out ( Hold It Against Me), and i don't like it either. Seems really fake.

[Movie] I have no idea why they rebooting all movies again but anyway. Tomb Raider reboot sees as Lara the actress Olivia Wilde. Personally i like Wilde much more, as appearance and as an actor than Angelina Jolie. We will see though...

[Movie] Bildo and his gang of 13 dwarves look so great together! Too bad Gandalf is not in the photo too. Hobbit is on the movie guys!

[TV] Some series are going on hiatus after this and next week. The hiatus will last 2 weeks for most of them. I know for sure that Vampire Diaries will not air next week and Glee got a 2 weeks break too. So far, everything else is on the move.

Click on the covers for their summaries at goodreads.



  1. So Silver Bright cover is stunning! It's so sad to know about L.J Smith. What an injustice!
    Thanks for sharing all the updates!

  2. No Vampire Diaries next week? Oh no :(

    I was shocked about the L. J. Smith news too. It seems especially wrong that the new books will still have her name on them even though she didn't write them.

  3. Weird thigs going on publications....Anyway, we will see....

    Bad Teacher looks weird too, but since Jason Segel stars I'll give it a shot, someday....

  4. And the Tudor Secret seems so good....

  5. Silver Bright cover is just great.

    OMG i'm so exited about the "bad teacher", i love cameron diaz and the trailer is so funny, i'm totally going to love this one.

    from what you said it seems like L.J.Smith is not the one with the idea of VA so if she was hired for a job she could be fired... We don't know the other side of the story...

    Britneys new video clip is plain bad, she looks fat and ugly and she always looks good in her clips, so that was a bad surprise...

    Olivia Wilde is so beautiful i totaly like her more too!


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)