Sunday, May 22, 2011

In My Mailbox (28)

For Review - Luminous & Ominous by Noah Mullete-Gillman (thanks to the author)
For Review - Cold Magic by Kate Elliott (thanks to the UK Publishers)
Bookmarks :)

The books are from Greek writers :) I did found some of them at Goodreads though.
Bought -Μια Ζωή, Δυο Ζωές by Νίκος Θέμελης
Bought - Zone Defence by Petros Markaris
Bought - Παλιά, πολύ παλιά By Petros Markaris
Bought - Ουρανός από χώμα, γη από σύννεφα by Μαρία Γεωργαλά

He got his GetGlue stickers! (and now i'm really jealous!)

What did you get this week? Leave links at the comments


  1. I have Cold Magic! It's been sitting on my shelf for about a year and I still haven't read it! So... many... bookmarks...

    I've never heard of GetGlue so I'm about to go check that out!

    ComaCalm's IMM

  2. hihihi the overlord is jealous of my wonderful, marvelous, fabulus, lovely and super duper stickers that I got first :P

  3. question: I know how you win all those stickers but when they send them to you, do you pay?

  4. @athanasia-d: nop they are tottaly free, if you can find them of course because instead of a receiver's name it writes just "GetGlue Fan" and the address, so if you live in an appartment someone else could pick it up...


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)