Saturday, May 28, 2011

Random Magic Tour: Pirates! - Video Discussion

Random Magic Tour: Pirates!
May 10-30, 2011
About: Random Magic 
Tour organization: Lyrika Publicis
Triton Tavern proprietress and guest relations: vvb32
Contact the tour: @RandomMagicTour 

At the blog:
Feature: Video discussion, Random Magic and pirates
(Int’l: Greek language, English transcript)
Bonus: Free audio book, Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates
Bonus: Game: Pirate’s Quest

That's our first video ever! Don't be too harsh on us XD It's me and Johnny. At a certain point, Johnny's camera decided to not work properly but you can still hear him. And of course there are subs too! Hope you enjoy it!:)
And don't forget to check out the audio book we have for you!! Come here!!!

Bonus: Game: Rum + Plumber

Thanks for dropping by, hope you enjoyed your visit here! Here's another interesting tour feature for Random Magic Tour: Pirates! that you might also enjoy:

The main Rum + Plunder treasure hunt is open internationally!
Here’s a fun way to win something piratey and cool:
Browse prizes or join the hunt…

Bonus: Find even more pirate plunder, with Little Pirate Prizes, these aren't marked on the schedule and they're not part of the hunt, but they're out there for visitors to find, so have fun finding some cute pirate things: Follow the tour!

Have fun and good luck!


  1. hahaha I left the ship on autopilot and went of to a covert mission on an island we passed by but I think I forgot to press the autopilot on switch before I left :D

  2. Cool video :) I love listening to other languages.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hey you wont save ME ?

    that was a cool video guys, too bad i was trapped and i missed it, thank God i escaped and i at least enjoyed the video XD

    Johnny you totally look like a pirate, not like Jack S. though but like captain Hook !!!

    yiota i thought you would be dressed too :(

  5. I like the sound of foreign languages too! Its fascinating to listen too,esp Greek!:P

  6. That was a fun video and great for a first video :)


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)