Thursday, June 30, 2011

Comments Giveaway: July 2011

Whaaaa...ready for next month giveaway? I just counted previous months comments and found our winner who i will e-mail in the next 5 mins. Now, let's start the next. Btw, you actually have to comment you know...don't just fill the form. As more comments you have through the month the better! ^^

So ready for some comments love?^^

 Here's how you play (there are faster guidelines at the form too):
-You need to be a public GFC follower
-The person with the most comments at the end of the month wins (be careful, if i see "spam" comments with nothing more than "nice review" all the time you will be disqualified)
-You have to fill out the form each month, so i know you are in and start counting
-You need to fill out the monthly form just once, i will compute your extra entries
-You can take part any day in July. And comment on any post of the blog (even the old ones).

July's Prize: Red Riding Hood
Open where Book Depository delivers.

Leave your questions in the comments and good luck!


  1. I would love to win this. This is my first try for most comments of the month, so wish me luck!

  2. @athanasia: tsk tsk

    @TheGilOnFire: welcome aboard then and have fun!

  3. Thanks so much, I will try my best!

  4. @TheGirlOnFire: All the better to eat you with, my dear! XD

  5. So in the spirit of this giveaway, I watched the new Red Riding Hood movie. It makes me want to read the book even more so I can see the changes made!

  6. And I have to say, my boyfriend and I spent the whole movie pointing and guessing that, that is the wolf! NO she is , NO he is! lol.

  7. I think there is a red riding hood review somewhere in the blog... let me check and I will post link :D

  8. Found it :

  9. @thegirlonfire: The person who was the wolf was one my top5 choices. I felt really proud of myself. Do you know the book was written after the movie? Haven't read a book like that before. I'm happy i won it in another giveaway last week ^^

  10. TheGirlOnFire: Yiota and I checked the book and found out it is published after the movie, so no need to make expences....

  11. @ Silvestro So I went and checked out the review and I agree. I actually can't believe that I didn't realize it was Bella's dad( prolly cause the Twilight movies were not great).
    @ Yiota Congrats! I knew for certain that is wasn't a few of the people but I was actually surprised!
    @ nina a and yiota I did not know that. I am not sure how to feel now!

  12. @TheGirlOnFire: i know. i'm not sure either. Reading a book out of a movie. I will try to read it soon and do a review about it :)


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)