Thursday, June 23, 2011

Monthly Giveaways

found here
Hey ya again! The Giveaway series coming to an end and i thought about a new monthly giveaway which is the Comments Giveaway, where you fill the form once with your details and then the person with the most comments on the blog each month wins the book. I've started with Defiance by LiLi St.Crow.

Now, i know we don't do as much giveaways as other blogs, or they are not as big but i pay for all of them(except the e-books) so you see why that happens. Hey! At least 99% of them are International! ^^

Anyway, i want your opinion now. Just tell me which book would you like to see in an upcoming giveaway. That's all. I want to create a better image of what you want. Please include the author as well.
Fill the huge FORM of 2-questions only.

Oh and since you are here:
-Bye bye!!


  1. I think it's cool you're looking to your audience for ideas - filled out form.

  2. I filled out the form. Great idea, by the way :)
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  3. Filled it. Thanks for asking about our opinions! :D

  4. Filled it. Hope you'll consider what I suggested :))

  5. Filled it out. Thanks for asking!


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)