Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Stepsister Scheme. Book Review

What would happen if an author went back to the darker themes of the original fairy tales for his plots, and then crossed the Disney princesses with Charlie's Angels? What's delivered is The Stepsister Scheme—a whole new take on what happened to Cinderella and her prince after the wedding. And with Jim C. Hines penning the tale readers can bet it won't be “and they lived happily ever after.”

The Stepsister Scheme (Princess Novels #1) by Jim C. Hines
Paperback, 344 pages
Published January 2009 by DAW

When i think about this book i laugh! I mean how is that our fairy tale princess kick ass?!

The story follows what happens after Cinderella get married and how her sisters are trying to destroy her. They actually kidnap her husband and so Cinderella along with Sleeping Beauty and Snow White (who belong to a secret special forces organization) travel to save the poor prince. At their road they meet everything you can imagine from fairies to ogres. 

The set up of the world while was confusing (who belonged where) it was captivating. It was cute how each girl knew the story of the other girl (like we know it) but it wasn't the real one. Their stories didn't really have happy ending.But all of them were such strong characters! Snow White was a hottie and was flirting with all the guys in the book, while Sleeping Beauty didn't open herself easily and Cinderella was a bit naive. Another worth mentioning thing, is that all of them are true beauties in their stories but according to their world. For example, Sleeping Beauty is Asian like and people from Cinder's kingdom might not find her that beautiful since their ideas of beauty are different. 

The book promises action. adventure, romance, magic, friendship, kick ass girls and fun! One of the best re-tales i've read and i have already have the next 2 books at my shelves (with a murderous little mermaid and an assassin Red Riding Hood..hahaa!). It was actually something like Shrek but with a stronger plot and more developed characters.


  1. when i first saw the title and the picture, i thought it said : "The Striper Scheme" and i thought that is interesting XD but unfortunately it didn't say that...

  2. I don't know about the content but the cover is cool :D
    And also when they twist fairy tails and mythology and actually make it cooler than the original it is a nice theme be it in books, movies or even games...

  3. I've all three of these books cued up in my TBR list for a while . . . might be time to nudge them a bit closer to the top!

  4. @athanasia: why would i buy a book with strippers anyway? wth?

    @Silvestro: depends. Twilight wasn't good. this one is cool though. it's really funny and kick assing.

    @Sally Sapphire: yeah do that!

  5. I love this series! I love all the strong women characters and the richness of the whole story. I highly recommend Jim Hines' books.

  6. @yiota: who knows why you buy stuff, you bought the Gollum XD

  7. @athanasia: hey! don't compare the Gollum with the strippers!

  8. Oh good! I've been meaning to read this series so I'm so happy to read your positive review! I can't wait to read your reviews for the other two books.


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