Monday, June 20, 2011

Supernatural ( Season 6 ), TV Series Review

Raised by their dad to fight supernatural forces from a tender young age, grown siblings Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam (Jared Padalecki) crisscross the country in their 1967 Chevy Impala, investigating paranormal activity and picking fights with deadly demons, ghosts and monsters. 

REVIEW (spoilers from previous seasons):

Season 6 continues one year after the fight with Lucifer. We see Dean having his life with Lisa and by the end of the 1st episode everything is going wrong. First half of the season follows the boys (and some previously dead people) hunting monsters so they will find how it's possible to work on groups. There are some demons, angels, purgatory, vampires (lol at the episode making fun at Twilight), shapeshifters,Death, dragons (!!) and many other creatures who get at the game and of course Sam. Who something is going really wrong with him. Second half of the season follows with Sam's condition fixed but still not perfect and now looks likes someone from the good side had turned bad and messes secretly with the brothers.

I wasn't expecting to like the season. I believed that last year, they could have give us a very good series ending with the last episode. One writer also left the production. Surprisingly, it was GOOD! It found its awesomeness again! We got the funny Dean and the cute Sam. Probably it's one of the seasons i enjoyed the most. The writers didn't afraid to kill many characters, bring back to life new ones, mess with the angels story a little more, create some cool episodes just for fun, use some time travel and make it really bloody. It was the most bloody and creepy season of them all. It felt good and real though.
There was also an episode, produced by Jensen Anckles (Dean), where the boys weren't featured at all and it one of Bobby's adventures.

Now, they finished the episode with an OMG cliffhanger and i seriously can't wait for next year! Season 7 FTW!! Bring it people!


  1. ok man what the hell? why arent you in msn and how do things get posted?

  2. - Season 4 and 5 were iffy.
    - Oh no, more seasons?! Won't it just drag on? It was supposed to be 5 seasons from the very beginning!!
    - No time to stream online anymore. Gah. It's losing its greatness.
    - Uh oh. Behind new episodes. Only up to 6.06.
    - Obsession lost.
    - Oh hello, it's finally being aired on TV!
    - Ooooooh, double episodes every Monday.
    - Wow, I love season 6.
    ^ Crazy 2011 journey.

    The episode about "old Sammy" just aired here. I think I'm back to being a passionate SN lover :)

  3. @Lisa: LMAO! Yeah i agree! Sn.6 totally bring it back!

  4. @Johnny: it's a magician's trick i learned in the weekend :P

  5. I think the last few eps were the ones that sold it, was still not the same! Still, I love how it set up for the next season (Castiellllll~).

    Love your mini reviews on movies & T.V series!

  6. this is a series i would like to watch, but i am a little afraid. i heard it is really scary and once in a while i have seen some scenes on the tv and it was really scary XD

  7. Supernatural is one of those series that they can stick stand-alone episodes between the story episodes and make it go on for 50 years without a problem. Personally I never get bored of guys with guns blowing up supernatural beings ;)
    Also i think the anime is at least as cool as the series and maybe cooler...
    I will review it as soon as I can, I wanted to review this too but my internet is having some problems lately, it is pretty much dead.

  8. @Dazzling Mage: Thanks:)

    @athanasia: it's bit scary at times. but it's one of the best series out there.

    @Silvestro: hahaha..well yeah..the individual episodes are no problem but some times the story it's too much XD Problems? You don't have internet at all is the right way to say XD

  9. This has to be my favorite show right now. I can't believe it has managed to stay good for so long. I had totally forgotten about the episode where they make fun of twilight! So funny.

  10. Great review, it’s been a while (4 yrs) since this was televised and I can’t keep my self watching the replays.

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