Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's New Wednesday #20

What's New Wednesday is hosted by us from now on! (Previously hosted by My Love Affair With Books ). We keep the idea Misha had at the start :) It's a round up for any interesting news we found the week that passed. Anyone who wants to participate, feel free and leave your links at the comments to check it out too. (if many people take part i will put up a linky).

In front of every little paragraph will be a tag ( Music,Movie, Book,etc) so in case you are not interested in something you can just skip it. At the end, are our week's finds.

[Books] New covers (credit Murphy's Library, Mystifying Paranormal Reviews, Courtney A.Moulton):

[Blog/Award] Thanks a lot At Random for giving us "The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award". That's a new one for our small collection :) Thanks thanks!!

[Movies] New Kyle Reese is Paul Walker (for T5)? Seriously how many different actors have portrayed him?

[Movies] WarnerBros released a very cute video (2mins long) for Harry Potter from all those years. From the very first audition til now. Check it out.

[Movies/Random] Disney + Star Wars? You better check out Darth Vader having fun at Disneyland.

[Music] New songs: Monster by Paramore, Iridescent by Linkin Park

New in TBR (click for summaries):



  1. The Broken Council has a fabulous cover! Thanks for the news roundup, especially the books.

  2. @Misha: previous week's you wrote the same about the sequel of Broken Council. LOL XD


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)