Sunday, July 24, 2011

Snow White VS Snow White

There are 2 Snow White Movies coming out in 2012. Totally different from each other. Now they released the first photos from both movies.

Snow White #1 - March 2012
The film is directed by Tarsem Singh
Summary: An evil queen and an exiled princess struggle for control of their kingdom in a spirited adventure comedy, filled with jealousy, romance and betrayal, that will capture the imagination of audiences the world over.

Snow White #2 ( Snow White and the Huntsman ) - June 2012
The film is directed by Rupert Sanders
Summary: As evidenced by the title, this new take on the fairy tale sees an expanded role for the Huntsman. In the original story, he is ordered to take Snow White into the woods and kill her, but instead lets her go. Here, the two are chained together for part of the movie as they make their escape.
The Huntsman is not a love interest (fear not, the prince is still in the story) but acts more as a mentor, teaching the teen girl to fight and survive.

Which one do you vote for, so far? 
I'm totally Snow White #2. Looks pretty epic and awesome! Who cares for the fairy tale ?;P Swords and battles! Woo hoo! And Lily Collins looks really weird as Snow White when Kristen Stewart holds a gorgeous shield and is dressed in armor XD


  1. snow white with full armor and sword for the win guys :D

  2. I'm excited for both. Snow White is one of my fave fairytales. That Sam guy looks so much like James Franco in the picture! xD Just saying.

  3. My opinion differs from yours :) I prefer #1 because:
    1. It has Julia Roberts and if rumours are correct, Sean Bean too!!
    2. I am not a fan of Kristen Stewart lol

  4. from the first look i would say Snow White #2, but unfortunately Kristen Stewart is the snow white, i really don't like that actress at all, but i am exited to see Charlize Theron as the evil queen.

    actually i like Lily Collins in the picture, she doesn't look weird..

    i am exited for both movies, the first has better cast, but i am going to watch both !

  5. Although i'm for watching both Snow White was a favourite of mine and while #1 looks more closer to the actual thing with Snow White as a damsel in distress sort #2 looks more badass ---- so yes i'm excited for both.

    and I totally agree with @Mia that Sam guys looks too much like James Franco

  6. We only just heard that Kristen Stewart's Snow White was going to be such a different take -- and we are VERY excited about that!

    But Snow White 1 looks like it could be good too, especially for people who like the classic story.

  7. @Silvestro: yay!

    @Mia: omg! now that you mentioned it i can see it too XD

    @Misha: I think that Sean Bean rumor is true. Not sure though. Yes Julia Roberts is good but i can hardly seen her in a movie like it. We will see. It's a nice change for her.
    Also i'm not really fan of the director. He is the one who makes that Immortals thing (i'm not gonna call it a movie) which is even worse than Clash of the Titans from accuracy to Greek mythology.

    @athanasia: i see many hate to Kristen Stewart. Wondering if you have seen any other of her movies and not only Twilight. She is actually a really good actress.
    You don't find her weird? She seems so fake and edited.

    @aparajita: just noticed that Sam guy must be the priest from Pirates Of Caribbean 4.

    @We Heart Ya: i don't know how close will be with the original story. I mean from the summary it seems different too.

  8. I don't care about weirdeness or fakeness, both movies seem different and I'm going to watch them both....
    Yiota you are right. Sam Clafin is Philip from Pirates of Carribean, but he looks so different here....

  9. The second Snow White looks interesting! But I have one teeny tiny thing I have to say... Why can't The Huntsman be the love interest??? He is so much more good looking than the Prince (who does look a little like James Franco)! Now THAT would be an interesting retake! :P

    I think I'll end up seeing both, though!

  10. ....what the hell?

  11. @yiota: i agree that she looks too edited but it doesn't bother me

    i haven't seen any of her other movies (Kristen Stewart), maybe she is good, but i have seen her in awards and stuff and she is the same awkward weirdo she is in Twilight

  12. @Athanasia, well I have seen zathura and in there Kristen Steward was actually pretty good. Hopefully she is good and not that boring thing that passes as a girl in twilight. Also I think that both of the movies will be interesting!

  13. @Johnny: you haven't watched Panic Room? The Messengers?

  14. @Yiota, she was the girl in Panic Room? :O

    THe Messengers doesnt ring a bell

  15. @Johnny: yeah she was XD Check

    The Messengers is horror movie.

  16. @i dont watch horror movies dude you know that. Oh right it IS her!

  17. @Johnny, yiota: omg it is her!!! i had no idea XD

  18. I think Lilly looks gorgeous in the pic for the first movie. While I love the idea for the second movie, I don't like Kristen Stewart so that sort of ruins my expectations for it.

  19. Hmm, I like the look of the second one much better, but I don't like Kristen Stewart at all.

  20. Vampires is not at all like in the movies or books. Sure, I understand. You are young you have the whole world open to you. You can be anything that you choose if you apply yourself and try hard to work toward that goal. But being a Vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, But how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the Vampires Lord on his Email:


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)