Thursday, September 22, 2011

We Watch This Fall

Once again the "Watch This Fall" post is back. The post started a little different but it was too huge so had to change it again. I decided to put only the posters of the series we will watch this fall (not included series who start on January or March). I guess for 90% of them you will see reviews at the end of the season.

Which Series are you watching this fall? Any recommendations?


  1. some of those series that I had never heard of before have veeeeery cool posters :D

  2. @Yiota: I meant mainly the "once upon a time" but now that you asked I would say also the "90210" and "two and a half men".

  3. Love Supernatural and looking forward to the Secret Circle and Heart of Dixie on The CW. And the Vampire Diaries.

    T.V. Casual Talk:The Secret Circle on The CW "Pilot"

  4. I would suggest Castle-i just started watching it and so far I like it! And I really liked the trailers from Once upon a time and Secret Cicle so I'll be watching those series too.
    I also look forward for The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural and Criminal Minds.

  5. @Silvestro: 90210? Really? It's nothing special. I though you just see the girls XD

    @Cassandra: thanks for the link to your blog :D And yes CW once again has many great shows!

    @Rhiannon: hihi

    @CreativeMind: I know Castle and i was thinking to give it a try next summer when it's finished. Thank tough!

    BTW, i forgot The Big Bang Theory poster XD


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)