Sunday, October 9, 2011

Poster / Cover Awards - September

How it works?
We post the poster/covers of a book and a movie with the first thought in our mind when we see them and pick the winner!
When posted?
Once each month.
by Yiota

Poster Nominees - Chronicles Of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Yiota: Hmmmm...i can't really decide. I love the "All in One" because it's a better sum up of the movie and it's cool but if i had to buy one for my room, i would have pick one of the other three. They look more artistic and magical. So one vote for every poster for me.
Silvestro: Narnia's coolest character was, is and will always be Ashlan and the most badass poster showing him is "The Ashlan!!!!" poster so I chose this, and to top that in his eyes you can see the reflection of one of the main characters that is a bit old trick but still cool :D

Cover Nominees - Memoirs of a Geisha

Yiota: Easily "The Movie One". It's just beautiful! Her eyes are captivating!
Silvestro: Geisha is all about the beauty and the pain and the one that shows them both is the "the movie one" poster

Which ones you will pick?


  1. I agree with you on the Memoirs of a Geisha one, the middle one does remind you of Mulan.

    For Narnia I pick the blue Aslan one. :D

  2. I like The All in One for Narnia.

    Memoirs of A Geisha of course definitely the movie version. I just love the blue eyes.

  3. From "Chronicles Of Narnia" i would choose the blue Aslan, i guess we kindda agree !!

    From "Memoirs of a Geisha" i would choose the second, i haven't seen it before but i really liked it.


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)