Thursday, October 20, 2011

Paranormals Blog Tour - Author Interview

Aha! A new tour post is here! "Paranormals" Tour to be more precise with books giveaways, reviews, other giveaways, guestposts and much more, all about the already famous "The Paranormals" series! Today you will here an interview with the author and two giveaways at the end :) Visit the official Kismet Book Tours page for the full program of "The Paranormals" blog tour! Enjoy!

-Try to describe your book in one sentence.
Jenny Pox is about a girl whose touch spreads a deadly supernatural plague, and as a teenager, she finally meets one boy she can touch.

-Your genre in The Paranormal Series is YA Fantasy right?. You did that on purpose, or you just start writing?
It was definitely going to be fantasy because of the supernatural elements.  I didn’t make any effort to write a young adult book, but because the main characters are teenagers, it’s often described that way.  Not by me, though.  I’ve always thought of it as a horror novel, though I’ve learned “contemporary fantasy” might be the best label for it.

-Did you do any research before start or during of the writing of the books?
The first book included some research into ancient mythology.  The later books required more: I had to research the CDC, the methodology of epidemiology, the history of the Mexican province of Chiapas, and coca cultivation.  An odd assortment of research, really.

-Which scenes were the hardest to write?
Anything with strong emotion is the most difficult to write, because you want it to ring true and you have to take a very intuitive approach.  Probably the romance between Seth and Jenny, plus other difficult scenes, like the flashback to the death of Seth’s brother in the third book.

-Are you reading or writing something else at the moment?
I’m writing the second book in my Songs of Magic series (the first book, Fairy Metal Thunder, has already been released).  This is a much lighter series about fairies and rock music, and I’m having a lot of fun writing it.

-Did you always had in mind to be a writer or it just happened?
Always, since I was about six or seven years old.  I never seriously considered anything else.

-How important you find the communication between you and your readers? Do you reply to their messages or read their reviews?
Extremely important.  I’m always available to readers on Twitter, Facebook, my blog, and email.  If I don’t reply to somebody, it’s a mistake or things got lost in the shuffle.  Feedback from readers actually does help shape my choices, especially when writing sequels to books.  I pay attention to questions they have or areas of the story they would like to see explored further.

Now some simple questions and more fun^^

-Your favourite band/singer?
Probably Pink Floyd
-Twitter or Facebook?
 I use both, but I think I like Twitter better, it’s so light and easy
-Favourite place in the world?
My bed
-Last movie you watched at the cinemas?
 The final Harry Potter
-The last book you’ve read?
Currently reading War for the Oaks by Emma Stone
-And last one....printed or ebooks?
Ebooks!  I love everything about my Kindle.  I have boxes and boxes of unpacked books filling up my garage, so I’m hesitant to buy many physical books anymore.

Thanks for having me visit your blog!

J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on the English Renaissance and the Romantic period. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He enjoys remixing elements of paranormal, supernatural, fantasy, horror and science fiction into new kinds of stories. He is the author of The Paranormals trilogy (Jenny Pox, Tommy Nightmare, and Alexander Death). Fairy Metal Thunder is the first book in his new Songs of Magic series. He lives in Atlanta with his wife Christina, his son John, two dogs, and two cats. 

About Jenny Pox - goodreads, amazon, B&N
Jenny has a secret. Her touch spreads a supernatural plague.

She devotes her life to avoiding contact with people, until her senior year of high school, when she meets the one boy she can touch, and she falls in love.

But there’s a problem–he’s under the spell of his devious girlfriend Ashleigh, who secretly wields the most dangerous power of all.

Now Jenny must learn to use the deadly “Jenny pox” she’s fought her entire life to hide, or be destroyed by Ashleigh’s ruthless plans.

Jenny Pox week:
Monday, October 17th - Bewitched Bookworms
Tuesday, October 18th - Fangtastic Books
Wednesday,October 19th - Coffee Table Reviews
Thursday, October 20th - Splash Of Our Worlds
Friday, October 21st - The Unread Reader

GIVEAWAYS(click on the photos)

 Brought by


  1. Good the series!

  2. Thanks, Laura! I'm glad you love them :)

  3. That really is an odd batch of research. I always forget that being a writer means you pretty much have to be a researcher too.
    Now I want to read War of the Oaks - its on my shelf - grr argh - so many books, never enough time!
    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

  4. I like all the different research you did for your books, especially ancient mythology. I imagine I'll likely learn something new which is always good :)

    Cambonified (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. Oh, I just realized I wrote Emma Stone instead of Emma Bull for the author of War for the Oaks. So, yeah. That should be Emma Bull.

  6. Great interview! I'm still a physical book girl myself!


  7. The series is great J.L. and the tour has been a lot of fun too! I would love a paper copy of Jenny. Crossing my fingers!

    vshanno1 (at) mail (dot) naz (dot) edu

  8. I respect anyone who can research the CDC and then somehow make it interesting ...

    No seriously, I just watched "Contagion" so the CDC super freaks me out.

    Thanks for the interview! Your book series is amazing and I have yet to read "Alexander Death" unfortunately - but if it is anything like the first two ... :D

    Ammy Belle
    apereiraorama @ gmail . com

  9. Great interview! I haven't read any of the books yet but I have heard many good things about them! Now, only to find time to read them myself...



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