Friday, February 24, 2012

Book Review: The Guardian's Wildchild

Caught in a reckless attempt to stop Dark forces, Sidney Davenport, a young, rule breaking, spirited member of the secret paranormal community of Guardians, finds herself imprisoned on a naval ship and slated for execution. Her struggle with the unfamiliar emotions of fear and anger becomes even more complicated when she can no longer fight her attraction to the very man who has orders to perform her execution.

Captain Sam Waterhouse, a meticulous naval captain who’s suspected of treason, teeters on a precipice between Darkness and Light. When he receives an unusual prisoner, a paranormal journey begins to unravel his disciplined life. All the while, humanity is unknowingly at great risk when two Dark forces team up to acquire control of an elusive power. Sidney and Sam attempt to quiet their powerful feelings for each other, only to discover they can save each other, and in doing so, they might even save the world.

Through stunning imagery, an intricate and adventurous plot, and a strong cast of characters, Feather Stone gives readers a fascinating glimpse into the future—a future that is chilling, yet full of hope.

The Guardian's Wildchild
Publication Date: 2011
Pages: 288 (ebook)
Part of Series: -
Purchased: For Review by the author
Rating: 4.5/5 stars
Buy:  Amazon (US) || Amazon (UK)

Oh my god!! No way i was expecting the book to be that good!  I loved it!

The book is written mainly with two first person POVs, of Sam and Sidney. It starts with a small introduction for both the characters and the stories, by showing you some important things in their past. While i usually i'm not fan of this method, it was written nicely and it actually fitted with the rest later. Another thing, that i really liked was how good the author had understand her ideas and what she wanted to say. Even though i did not agree in general with how the Guardian's weren't doing much and i usually i should have been mad, their ideas and beliefs were so perfectly described that actually convinced me that they were doing the right thing indeed. When you see, a world so well created and an author who knows exactly what's is going on, there is no doubt you will not love the story. Plus, who says no to some action, magic and romance eh?

As for the characters, both Sam and Sidney were loveable. Maybe you couldn't see yourself in them but you could understand them and respect them. Sidney is such a strong female character. And i don't see that because she is kind of awesome with her powers, but because of how is letting herself be killed for the higher good. She is kind but not naive. And while she over react sometimes, she will say no, understand her mistakes and learn from them.
As for Sam, even though he starts as a dark character for his reasons, i liked that even then he was a man of honor and justice. I could understand why his people respected him and like him. He was also the character who grown the most as a person. 

And is it bad that i like the stories, with the not perfect ending? 6-7 pages before it ended, i could see how it will finish. It made me sad, but it made sense. It only loses half star because, i just wanted to see more of Danik (Sidney's sister) who seemed like an amazing character and because it was predictable at times.

A great book, which is something adult and young adult. The only thing i want to add now is that i'm a really sad is a stand alone and that it doesn't exists at Americans!) printed to buy it for my bookcase.


  1. Two first-person points of view sounds difficult to adjust to.

    1. I can't say it is. Many books to do that. I don't mean at the same time. But one chapter from one's POV and then another from the other's. I like it because i get a better image for both characters.


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)