Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Book Review: The Mayfair Moon

After a nightmarish encounter with a werewolf, seventeen-year-old Adria Dawson loses her sister, but gains the love of a mysterious young man and his legendary family.

Strange and tragic things begin to happen in the small town of Hallowell, Maine: residents come down with an unexplainable ‘illness’ and some disappear. In the midst of everything, Isaac Mayfair is adamant about keeping Adria safe, even from her sister whom he has warned her to stay away from.

As unspeakable secrets unfold all around Adria, impossible choices become hers to bear. Ultimately, no matter what path she takes, her life and the lives of those she loves will be in peril. As she learns about the werewolf world she also learns why her place in it will change the destinies of many.

The Mayfair Moon
Publication Date: 2012
Pages: 356 (ebook)
Part of Series: The Darkwoods Trilogy #1
Purchased: For Review by the author
Rating: 3/5 stars
Buy: Amazon (US) || Amazon (UK)

Am i the only one who hasn't ready many books with werewolves? Because that was the main reason i got the book. I wanted to read something a little different than usual.

Sooo i have both positive and little negative feedback for this book. To start with the positive, the book takes you in easily. Okay, at the first 1-2 chapters i wanted to give up, but there was something in there telling me "no..go on!". And i did. And i was surprised. The mystery about the werewolves and the families are what kept me most. Even though, i knew deep inside me what was going on there were still some doubts that made me crazy and i couldn't give up reading. I was planning to read about 50 pages, the first day and i suddenly i was over 200? So this part was goood!

Then we have the characters. Not annoying heroine? Check! No triangle? Check! Awesome boy BFF? Check! Hot guy? Check! Decent family? Check! All the characters, and the relationships between them, feel more real than most YA books out there.  Who said, the boy who says hi and is around you at school can't be your best friend, isn't part of a romance triangle? I think that's the thing that i loved most about them.

Lastly, we have the story and the werewolves. Yes to werewolves who are not wolfs (but Underworld like), violent and scary. Do not worry, there is not graphic violence in but you get the point, they are not lap dogs but something dangerous. The story is also dark and it gives you a creepy feeling most of the time.

Now, on the negative side (which unfortunately made me go 2 stars down). One was the Mayfair family. Don't get me wrong, i love big families with hot guys and interesting story, but it reminded me a lot of the Drake Chronicles (which there is a big vampire family). So whenever, we had scenes at the Mayfairs' i couldn't stop comparing. And secondly, after our girl and boy are together, there is some "i'm too dangerous for you", "i have to be careful around you", "you are better without me" stuff (even some phrases) which reminded me of course of Twilight and anyway i'm not fan of that way of thinking. So there it goes another negative thing - for me always. Of course this happens, on the smallest part of the book but still...
And lastly, i didn't like that after some point Adria forgets entirely her new BFF (Harry) and keeps him out of the loop. They are together later again, but i felt a little weird about it.

So despite those things above, i can't say i didn't enjoy it. As i said, i was reading like crazy and that says something. In the end, i'm quite happy i got a chance to read it.

1 ebook of The Mayfair Moon
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  1. I'm the same, I haven't read any werewolf books, like Nightshade. And I can't say I'm not intrigued by the book's plot, but with the phrases you said... they made me think twice. But shouldn't every book given a chance? So I'm giving it one! Thanks for the giveaway!

    me_winy AT yahoo DOT com DOT ph

  2. Thank you for taking the time to do this review/giveaway :) Despite your hesitations with the book, I'm willing to give it a chance :)

    brittanyrose40 AT yahoo DOT com

  3. This sounds a good book, something new to get my teeth into (pardon the pun). I'm not put off. Thanks for the give-away and a chance to enter.

  4. I have this one on my to read list. I really liked your review of it.

    veronicam46 at hotmail dot com

  5. Great review - first time I've heard about this book, definitely on my TBR list now!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I liked your review, so I decided to enter the giveaway!
    Thank you for this awesome chance!!

    cat.neko AT hotmail DOT com

    ~ Cat

  7. I liked your review, but I read all of Armstrongs books several years ago so I am in the loop on Werewolves. lol.. angels and elves, thats a different story. However, I digress I would still like to read this.

    jaynep140 @ gmail . com

  8. The book sounds awesome, I would love to read it!


  9. I really liked the review, and I hope to get a chance to read the book because it sounds really interesting.


  10. Thanks so much for the chance, great review!! I love the sound of this book and cant wait to read it.


  11. Another Book in Maine! I will have to read it if only to see if the writer knows her way around. Best regards. Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)