Thursday, May 10, 2012

Still on my Mind #1

From the first time YA-Aholic announce this meme at her facebook page, i was like "i want to do this". I don't really take part at memes (we don't even do our own anymore) but this one,is giving me the chance to show some old books that deserve the spotlight. It's a little sad that only new books are featured at 99% of the blogs out there. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe find something you like too :)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
It is summer holidays and soon Harry Potter will be starting his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry is counting the days: there are new spells to be learnt, more Quidditch to be played, and Hogwarts castle to continue exploring. But Harry needs to be careful - there are unexpected dangers lurking ...

J.K. Rowling continues to surprise and delight with the power of her rich, demanding and action-packed storytelling.

Is there a better way to start the meme, that the book made love books? It's not just the story, it's really special for me. And yes, there is a reason i put up the 4th HP and not the 1st. I was like 7 years old when i got this book? I just wanted to start reading (never really read a book before in my life), and a store (not a bookstore) had it there...and i was passing by every day telling my mum how great it looks and how amazing the dragon is (yes i had a thing for dragons from back then). I had no idea what Harry Potter is. So at my birthday my mum bought it for me (some days later the store was completely closed - fate?). I did about 2 days to read it. My first Harry Potter book, my first book, the book that made me love reading.  So that is why, Goblet of Fire will always be on my mind. I've read it dozens of times i tell you that. (In case you are wondering i've read HP like that: 4 - 2 - 3 -1. I had no idea what a series of books are).

Here are some photos of my edition! Yellowish and little destroyed from the times i've read it :p

Have you read Goblet of Fire or not yet? If you did the meme too, feel free to post your link at the comment to check it out :D


  1. Ah GREAT pick hun!!!!!!! You can never go wrong with Harry Potter! (:

    Thank you so much for joining in on 'Still on my Mind'! :D

  2. The Goblet of Fire was and probably still is my all time favorite Harry Potter book! The movie wasn't my absolute favorite, but the book was amazing!!! :)

    Great pick! :)

    1. Ah yes the movie wasn't as great as the book but's HP!

  3. The Goblet of Fire is probably the best in the potter series after the Deathly Hallows....because it marked a big turning point in Harry's life...great pick...

    Check mine here

    1. Not big of Deathly Hallows but GoF is definitely one of my favorites too ^^


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)