Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Movie Review: Snow White & The Huntsman

In the epic action-adventure Snow White and the Huntsman, Snow White is the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen out to destroy her. But what the wicked ruler never imagined is that the young woman threatening her reign has been training in the art of war with a huntsman dispatched to kill her

Snow White & The Huntsman
Released: 2012
Runtime: 126 mins
Rating: 2/5 stars
Buy: Not Available Yet

Hmmmm...disappointed? Yes totally.

Unfortunately, i had too high expectations from the movie and everything went wrong. It was another Eragon. A movie with an amazing idea, a great cast that went wrong and was full of mistakes while it could have been great!

The re-telling of the story is really clever. Dark, and full of action and entertaining. But, it was boring. The movie was too long and it reminded me a lot of LOTR, Narnia and Princess Mononoke. It was like they were trying to hard. There was a big absent of dialogue which while it was good at times and totally fit the feeling of the movie, there were other times that just made you sleepy. The romance was a bit messed up as well with no conclusion at all, but maybe that's because they are planning a 2nd movie? (ew!)

 Snow obviously is not prettier than the queen. She was also doing some really stupid things. She barely talked more than 10 mins in a 2 hours movie. She went in a whole kick ass style in a big fight with no training at all. Also, can't the girl smile? She was good at the sad scenes but she totally messed up the more happy ones :S
The queen was okay. I was never fan of Charlize Theron but i liked her craziness here.
Chris had his moments. His story was a little confusing, after some point i came to dislike his character because he didn't seem to mean what he was saying. Like i'm about to sacrifice my life and another girl's life to get back my wife, but 2 days later i'm in love with another woman? Errr...what?

Also this stupid line in all those summaries of the movie "training in the art of war with a huntsman dispatched to kill her". Yeah right...he only showed her one move. ONE FREAKING MOVE! Pffff...and she obviously she killed with that move the queen! What a surprise right? *rolls eyes*

I can actually mention you, every single thing that annoyed me but then i will have a huge post. I believe you get my point.

Don't watch it at the cinemas. Try a DVD if you are bored or something. 1 star for the special effects, and 1 for trying and that is all.


  1. I liked the movie, it wasn't perfect but I am happy I watched it. I would give it a 3/5 rating.
    And here is a list of the good things I saw in the movie that Yiota never saw as it seems:

    1) Badass archer (the William guy)
    2) Badass huntsman with a huge axe
    3) Amazing animations during the spells
    4) A Wonderful world inside the sanctuary
    5) Creepy but still cool elves
    6) Badass ninja dwarves
    7) a cool mononoke reference (and yes I liked that)

    1. 2)He wasn't that awesome.
      3)I mentioned that :P
      4)That was copy paste of Narnia and Princess Mononoke
      6)They were boring

    2. 2) I didn't say awesome, that is too much, I just said badass, I always like people who fight without a traditional combat style, and on top of that he was drunk half the movie, so yes he is cool.
      4) no it wasn't they had some similarities, they made you feel the same way, but they were unique.
      6) No they weren't, you found them boring, tottaly different things :P

    3. Out of the 8 people, only 2 liked it...that's says something.

    4. You know in ancient Greece there was the saying:
      "Οὐκ ἐν τῷ πολλῷ τὸ εὖ, ἀλλ᾿ ἐν τῷ εὖ τὸ πολύ"
      which roughly translates to :
      "quality is better than quantity"

    5. and it was 3 people, me, Nina and padious, so almost half the people of our group is a good ratio i think.

    6. Padious didn't even comment on it....
      I'm not going to go on with this is. You liked this and Bridge to Terabithia..nahh

  2. I liked the movie too! That's true! From the very beginning....I agree with all the statements of Silvestro...( sorry Yiota :D )

    1. He made you come here didn't he? :P

    2. no i didn't, i just pointed out that you mentioned him here :P

  3. I didn't say awesome,swtor credits that is too much, I just said badass, I always like people who fight without a traditional combat style, and on top of that he was drunk half the movie, so yes he is cool.
    4) no it wasn't they had some similarities, they made you feel the same way, but they were unique.
    6) No they weren't, you found buy swtor credits them boring, tottaly different things :P


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)