Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Shazam: Daph @ Loving Books

Daph @ Loving Books

>Do you believe that bananas would win in an epic siege against apples?
Bananas may be big and strong, but apples are smarter!

>Does a demon fox who lives inside you guide your hand while typing ?
Nope, I have a demon narwhal assistant.

>Does you pet visit you in you dreams to tell you which review to do next ?
Er, no, but I do have weird dreams of fictional characters who host parties. 

>With which fictional character you have hooked up in your mind?
Oh dear. Eric Northman <3 *fans herself*

>Do you create stories out of books you read with your own ednings and characters?
Nope, even if the ending is so bad that I want to throw stuff around the room, I don't. Although I admit to think about it. 

>Weapon of choice?
Killer unicorn.

>What are you most afraid of?
Small spaces. Also, the man who tried to force me into one of those caves while I'm clearly claustrofobic. 

>What would you do if Voldemort hugged you?
Poke him with my wand.

>What would be your first thought if you transformed into a bird?
What the heck just happened?

>How often do you speak to yourself?
Often. I am my best conversational partner.

>If we look under your bed what we will find?
A rug. Possibly lost bookmarks.

>What's inside your bag right now?
You want the whole list? Nah, didn't think so. Most interesting is the amount of chocolate bars in there at the moment. 

>Tell us something in your language
Nederlanders zijn zo gek nog niet!

(het is best lastig om plots in het Nederlands te typen wanneer je alles in het Engels doet. Vaag!)

>What's your occupation?
Book blogger without a social life. 

>Share a guilty pleasure of yours
Talent contests - I love to watch all those shows where people make a fool of themselves or blow the judges and the audience away. There are 2 that I don't watch and they're both Dutch: Popstars (ugh) and Holland's Got Talent (double ugh).

Also, chocolate. Loads and loads of chocolate.

If they team up with killer unicorns, yes.

Thank you Daph for being brave and answering our AWESOME and UNIQUE questions and also being the first person who gets public their answers!!!*applause* And is it my idea or you have a thing for unicorns? :P


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  1. What a nice review....Congrats for hooking up with Eric....

  2. yay first shazam is up and it looks cool :D
    waiting for more ;)

  3. that was a great interview !!! i had so much fun reading it XD


There is lot of spam lately at the posts, so for a while i will put up the comment moderation. Sorry for that, i really don't like it but i thought it might stop the spamming. It will be down soon enough! Thanks a lot :)