Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Book Review: A Cast of Stones (+Giveaway)

An Epic Medieval Saga Fantasy Readers
Will Love
In the backwater village of Callowford, Errol Stone's search for a drink is interrupted by a church messenger who arrives with urgent missives for the hermit priest in the hills. Desperate for coin, Errol volunteers to deliver them but soon finds himself hunted by deadly assassins. Forced to flee with the priest and a small band of travelers, Errol soon learns he's joined a quest that could change the fate of his kingdom.
Protected for millennia by the heirs of the first king, the kingdom's dynasty is near an end and a new king must be selected. As tension and danger mount, Errol must leave behind his drunkenness and grief, learn to fight, and come to know his God in order to survive a journey to discover his destiny.

A Cast of Stones
Publication Date: 2012
Pages: 432 (ebook)
Part of Series: The Staff and the Sword #1
Purchased: Review for tour
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

I'm all in for epic fantasy so i really couldn't say no to this one.

I'll admit that when i started reading A Cast of Stones, it tired me. For some reason i felt it was going really slow and i was craving to be at the center of the story. At the same time though, the story and Error are so compelling that i couldn't stop reading. I'm pretty sure i would have stop if it was another book, but this was just too interesting and clever to stop. The slow introduction of the slow, even though it was not my favorite part of the book, it definitely helped to remember and get accustomed to the author's world. 

There is a scene at the first chapter where we see Errol read the stones for a first time. That scene reminded me so much of how Pug reads Kulgan's ball for first time at The Magician from Raymond Feist that actually made me happy?  I think from that moment on, i knew somewhere inside me i will enjoy the book and of course i did.

As for Error, at the first scene i thought i will probably hate him but as the story grows you see not only how he changes and how he tries but also what an honest man he is. Even as the drunk town of a small town, he is a man who cares and has it inside him to help. 

Another great book i started the year with. If you are into epic fantasy and you want something that starts now and not one of those huge epic series, A Cast of Stones is a good option.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cleopatra's daughter Book Blast! (+Giveaway)

It's the two-year anniversary of the publication of Lily of the Nile by Stephanie Dray, the first in her Cleopatra's Daughter series! It is time to celebrate ALL of Steph's wonderful novels about strong ancient-Egyption women.  

Two years ago, Stephanie Dray introduced the world to Cleopatra's daughter in the critically acclaimed historical fantasy novel, LILY OF THE NILE. In the award-winning sequel, SONG OF THE NILE, her dynamic and messianic young queen grew in power as she attempted to wrest back her mother's throne and return to Egypt. This year, Dray will complete the trilogy with DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE, which follows Selene on her journey as a fiercely protective mother, a powerful priestess and a queen with a unique historical legacy to bequeath to her heirs.

To commemorate and celebrate the book birthday of LILY OF THE NILE, she is giving away a free Young Adult novelette to her readers this January. THE PRINCESS OF EGYPT MUST DIE tells the beginnings of the reign of Arsinoe II, one of Cleopatra Selene's ancestral heroines and it is not to be missed. Join in the celebration of these ancient queens by grabbing your free copy now!

To be alerted when DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE releases, please sign up here.

And if you're a fan and would like to be a member of Ms. Dray's street team, with chances to win special prizes in exchange for your help promoting her work, please sign up here.

LILY OF THE NILE: With her parents dead, the daughter of Cleopatra and Mark Antony is left at the mercy of her Roman captors. Heir to one empire and prisoner of another, it falls to Princess Selene to save her brothers and reclaim what is rightfully hers…

In the aftermath of Alexandria’s tragic fall, Princess Selene is taken from Egypt, the only home she’s ever known. Along with her two surviving brothers, she’s put on display as a war trophy in Rome. Selene’s captors mock her royalty and drag her through the streets in chains, but on the brink of death, the children are spared as a favor to the emperor’s sister, who takes them to live as hostages in the so-called lamentable embassy of royal orphans…Now trapped in a Roman court of intrigue that reviles her heritage and suspects her faith, Selene can’t hide the hieroglyphics that carve themselves into her flesh. Nor can she stop the emperor from using her for his own political ends. But faced with a new and ruthless Caesar who is obsessed with having a Cleopatra of his very own, Selene is determined honor her mother’s lost legacy. The magic of Egypt and Isis remain within her. But can she succeed where her mother failed? And what will it cost her in a political game where the only rule is win or die?Berkley Trade January 2011 (Trade Paperback, 430 pages)# ISBN-10: 0425238555# ISBN-13: 978-0425238554

SONG OF THE NILE: Sorceress. Seductress. Schemer. Cleopatra’s daughter has become the emperor’s most unlikely apprentice and the one woman who can destroy his empire…

Having survived her perilous childhood as a royal captive of Rome, Selene pledged her loyalty to Augustus and swore she would become his very own Cleopatra. Now the young queen faces an uncertain destiny in a foreign land.Forced to marry a man of the emperor’s choosing, Selene will not allow her new husband to rule in her name. She quickly establishes herself as a capable leader in her own right and as a religious icon. Beginning the hard work of building a new nation, she wins the love of her new subjects and makes herself vital to Rome by bringing forth bountiful harvests.But it’s the magic of Isis flowing through her veins that makes her indispensable to the emperor. Against a backdrop of imperial politics and religious persecution, Cleopatra’s daughter beguiles her way to the very precipice of power. She has never forgotten her birthright, but will the price of her mother’s throne be more than she’s willing to pay?Berkley Trade October 2011 (Trade Paperback)# ISBN-10: 0425243044# ISBN-13: 9780425243046

THE PRINCESS OF EGYPT MUST DIE: Before she became one of Egypt's greatest queens, she was a lonely princess who ached to belong...

Princess Arsinoe came of age in the glittering court of Ptolemaic Egypt. Abused by her ruthless sister, a pawn in the dynastic ambitions of her father, and dismissed by the king who claimed her for a bride, young Arsinoe finds herself falling in love with a young man forbidden to her. She dreams of a great destiny, but if she is ever to rule Egypt, she must first survive the nest of vipers otherwise known as her family.

December 2012 (Digital Only)


Steph is graciously giving away a digital copy of The Princess of Egypt Must Die to anyone who wants to download it, along with a bottle of Egyptian perfume for one lucky winner! 

Enter to win below:

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guespost: "Young Adult is Back With a Vengeance!" (+Giveaway)

This post is special! Really special! For starters, it's about the 2nd book of a really good series i read and reviewed last year (Until Next Time), the readers actually voted for the book title and lastly and more importantly there is a free read along for everyone(except the guestpost obviously)! At the end of the post, you will find a part of the read along. Then you will hop to another blog and read another one! And another one! How cool is that? But okay..let's get to it!

Young Adult is Back With a Vengeance!

There are many adults who are drawn to the young adult genre. But the most amazing thing to me, and the one I’m most thankful for, is the fact that young adults are reading even more than adults! You have to give the accolades to Rowling who, with her Potter masterpiece, brought children and young adults away from their computers and had their noses once again buried in a book.

Then, we must offer thanks to the ‘vampire’ woman who, with Bella and Edward, had young adults AND their moms rushing to the bookstore and leaving behind the iPods, computers, cell phones, Blackberries - and any other source of technology you could think of - in order to sit down with a book and get lost in the small town of Forks.

When those doors opened, authors that’d been overlooked by an industry who truly believed that YA was not a genre that would bring about big sales - got a thrilling chance to bring their characters to life and offer them to the world.

As a devout reader, myself, I have to say that I was always into historical novels and suspense. But as a reviewer now for many, I have to say I am absolutely thrilled when I receive all the boxes from Random House filled with their YA titles to be released in the following month. I have found some absolute treasures in these boxes. Mystery, suspense, romance, Potter-‘esque’ fun and entertainment - the YA books are covering almost all subjects and are really hitting the nail on the proverbial head. Lately, with each shipment comes a bestselling adult author that is trying their ‘hand’ at YA fiction, and succeeding brilliantly, right alongside the debut authors who had their YA manuscript in their desk drawer for quite a while and were finally able to shine the light on their words.

Young adults are seen in television and movies as being so into technology that they simply have no time to read. But that is completely untrue. Especially since the Kindles and Nooks of the world were invented so that they can combine books with their love for technology. Two birds - one stone.

When I was a kid, we were ALWAYS at the library shoving our faces into Judy Blume and her peers. We loved books, and loved getting taken away into another time and another world where we could discover and learn and play…books were it! I am so happy that young adults and kids are getting back into the book realm. I know…technology is awesome and there is something new to learn about every day - but the good, old book is still the most amazing escape from high school, bad boyfriends, rotten best friends, parents who ‘just don’t understand,’ etcetera. It is a real thrill to see that books have become as treasured as they were…once upon a time.

Until Next Time, Everybody,


check the linky at the end to find the rest of the scene!

“We’ll see,” Max replied, turning to Anya. “It was an extreme pleasure to meet you. I’m sure Myles will be well-served by your capable hands. Do yourself a favor, though; stay far away from my undesirable mate.” The handsome face once again filled with mischief, as he punched Drew in the shoulder. “You’re much too fine a lady for this dirty cur.”

“Thanks, pal,” Drew said, offering his friend a dirty look.

“A good Saturday to you all.”

“Are you at least coming home for dinner?” his father asked, as Max marched past Hope without a word.

“I have a lot to do,” he replied. “However, if Miss Anya and young Greg would like to accompany us tomorrow, I’m taking Myles to the Garden. Perhaps they would like to see the city?”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” Mr. Carrow stated. “Anya?”

Drew looked over at Anya and their eyes locked. “Well,” she began, looking across the room into his emerald eyes, “Drew was going to play escort today.”

“Now Drew,” Hope spoke up. “I’ll be takin’ Anya shopping with me today. She needs a wardrobe for her job.”

“Well.” Mr. Carrow laughed, “It looks like you’re going to be everyone’s friend and angel around here, Miss Anya.”

The heat returned to her cheeks at the strangely uncomfortable scene.

“Easily solved. I’ll go with the two of you,” Drew said with a smile. “I could use some new clothes, myself.”

Max rolled his eyes and walked out the front door. Anya was completely surprised that, even with the two wonderful escorts vying for her company, she was a bit saddened by his exit.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

'Gilded Wings' Blog Tour
Read Along Excerpt Schedule 

1. December 5 (B) - Mad Hatter Reads  
2. November 1 (A) - Christie's Book Reviews  
3. November 1 (B) - Literary R&R  
4. November 1 (C) - Paranormal & Urban Fantasy Reviews & Goodies  
5. November 1 (D) - Little Library Muse  
6. November 2 (A) - We Do Write  
7. November 2 (B) - Reading & Writing Urban Fantasy & Paranormal Romance  
8. November 2 (C) - Culture Shock   
9. November 2 (D) - Sapphyria's Book Reviews  
10. November 2 (E) - Curse of the Bibliophile  
11. November 5 (A) - What's Beyond Forks?  
12. November 5 (B) - Great Minds Think Aloud (read-along excerpt in Comments section)   
13. November 6 - What's on the Bookshelf  
14. November 7 (A) - Pretty in Fiction  
15. November 7 (B) - Novel d'Tales  
16. November 8 (A) - Chapter by Chapter  
17. November 8 (B) - I'm a Book Shark  
18. November 8 (C) - Ladybug Storytime  
19. November 9 (A) - Keeping It Real with Lucy  
20. November 9 (B) - The Story of a Writer  
21. November 12 (A) - Claire Reads  
22. November 12 (B) - A Site for the Reader, the Writer, for You!  
23. November 13 (A) - Rose's Book Corner  
24. November 13 (B) - Reading to Penguins  
25. November 13 (C) - The Book Galaxy  
26. November 13 (D) - Pages from My Thoughts (excerpt in comments section)  
27. November 13 (E) - Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf  
28. November 14 - Kelly Hashway  
29. November 15 (A) - Cocktails and Books  
30. November 15 (B) - The Plot Thickens  
31. November 15 (C) - Downtown YA  
32. November 16 (A) - Book Love 101  
33. November 16 (B) - Book Lover Stop  
34. November 19 (A) - Hooked on Books  
35. November 19 (B) - Once Upon a Twilight  
36. November 19 (C) - Mother Gamer Writer  
37. November 20 (A) - Synchronized Reading  
38. November 20 (B) - Fighting Monkey Press  
39. November 21 - Gina's Library  
40. November 22 - Herding Cats & Burning Soup  
41. November 23 (A) - Lunar Haven  
42. November 23 (B) - Lissette E. Manning  
43. November 26 (A) - Crazed Mind  
44. November 26 (B) - Kindle and Me  
45. November 27 (A) - I Am A Reader, Not A Writer  
46. November 27 (B) - Behind a Million and One Pages  
47. November 28 - The Romance Bookie (read-along excerpt in Comments section)  
48. November 29 - My Guilty Obsession  
49. November 30 - booknerd  
50. December 1 - Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer  
51. December 2 - Reading Challenged  
52. December 3 - Rants N Scribbles  
53. December 4 (A) - A Book and a Latte  
54. December 4 (B) - Bookcase to Heaven  
55. December 5 (A) - Colorimetry  
56. December 6 (A) - Fighter Writer  
57. December 6 (B) - Walking on Bookshelves  
58. January 10 (A) - Snowdrop Dreams of Books  
59. December 6 (C) - Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers  
60. December 7 (A) - Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf  
61. December 7 (B) - Young Adult Book Reviews  
62. December 10 - Offbeat Vagabond  
63. December 11 - Mom in Love with Fiction  
64. December 12 - Read-Along Excerpt #63  
65. December 13 - The Bibliophilic Book Blog  
66. December 14 - Earth's Book Nook  
67. December 17 (A) - A Dream Within a Dream  
68. December 17 (B) - Rampant Readers  
69. December 18 - Bookworm Lisa  
70. December 19 - Reader Girls  
71. December 20 - Simply Infatuated  
72. December 21 (A) - Ottilie Weber  
73. December 21 (B) - The Top Shelf  
74. December 26 - A Diary of a Book Addict  
75. December 27 - Paper Dreams  
76. December 28 - The Bookish Babe  
77. December 29 - Cherie Reads  
78. January 4 - Bookworm Babblings  
79. January 7 - Emily's Crammed Bookshelf  
80. January 8 - Kindred Dreamheart  
81. January 9 - Book Lovin' Mamas  
82. January 10 (B) - Electrifying Reviews  
83. January 11 - Fictional Candy  
84. January 14 - The Electrical Book Cafe  
85. January 15 - The Children's & Teens' Book Connection  
86. January 16 - Nicole Notated  
87. January 17 - Splash of Our Worlds  
88. January 18 - Leisure Reads  
89. January 21 - Lynn Thompson Books  
90. January 22 - Books in the Spotlight  
91. January 23 - Lizzy's Dark Fiction  
92. January 24 - Long and Short Reviews  
93. January 25 - Read 2 Review  
94. January 26 - Only God Can Make a Tree  
95. January 28 - Romancing the Book  
96. January 31 (A) - Read-Along Excerpt #96  
97. January 31 (B) -- The Wormhole  
98. January 31 (C) - Michael Loring  
99. January 31 (D) - Andi's Young Adult Books  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Movie Review: Anna Karenina

The third collaboration of Academy Award nominee Keira Knightley with acclaimed director Joe Wright, following the award-winning boxoffice successes “Pride & Prejudice” and “Atonement,” is a bold, theatrical new vision of the epic story of love, adapted from Leo Tolstoy’s timeless novel by Academy Award winner Tom Stoppard (“Shakespeare in Love”). The story powerfully explores the capacity for love that surges through the human heart. As Anna (Ms. Knightley) questions her happiness and marriage, change comes to all around her.

Anna Karenina
Released: 2012
Runtime: 129 mins
Rating: 2/5 stars

I'm in the Oscars mood lately, so i'm trying to watch some of the nominated for Oscars movies (not all of them for best motion picture). Argo was out of the question because i really don't want to see it so i thought about starting with Anna Karenina.

When i saw a movie from Joe Wright with Keira Knightley i was immediately obsessed. I mean i loved both Atonement and P&P. Unfortunately, Anna Karenina didn't work for me. I have not read the book to compare, so i'm discussing it simple as a movie.

I think the main problem was the setting/directing for the movie. It's not the usual style, instead it uses a theatric version were the walls changing in front of you while the scene is on move, you see the changing of the outfits, in a dancy classy way yes, but still like a theater and stuff like that. The scenes are so small and the whole theatric style didn't really help with the story or the acting. I couldn't get used to it and all i was paying attention was the music, the background and the costumes. As for the actors, i don't really think they had to put so much effort into acting or giving the characters some depth. It was like they were just reading lines.

So yes as you see, it did not work out for me at all. Next we have Les Miserables ;)

Cast: Keira Knightley(Atonement, Pride & Prejudice), Jude Law(Sherlock Holmes), Kelly McDonald (Brave), Matthew McFayden (Pride & Prejudice), Aaron Johnson (Kick Ass), Olivia Williams (The Sixth Sense), Susanne Lother, Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey), Eros Vlahos (Nanny McPhee 2), Henry Hughes (Harry Potter)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Book Review: The Haunting Season (+INT Giveaway)

Siler House has stood silent beneath Savannah’s moss-draped oaks for decades. Notoriously haunted, it has remained empty until college-bound Jess Perry and three of her peers gather to take part in a month-long study on the paranormal. Jess, who talks to ghosts, quickly bonds with her fellow test subjects. One is a girl possessed. Another just wants to forget. The third is a guy who really knows how to turn up the August heat, not to mention Jess’s heart rate…when he’s not resurrecting the dead.

The study soon turns into something far more sinister when they discover that Siler House and the dark forces within are determined to keep them forever. In order to escape, Jess and the others will have to open themselves up to the true horror of Siler House and channel the very evil that has welcomed them all.

The Haunting Season
Publication Date: 2012
Pages: 309 (ebook)
Part of Series: -
Purchased: For review
Rating: 5/5 stars

Even though i usually stay away from books that might scare me, i couldn't say no to one of Michelle Muto's book since i loved the previous book by her. So here we are me trying to read it..

...and be totally creeped out. I stopped reading 2 times because the images in mind were so strong (talk about a good description!) that i felt that i was in the Siler House along the others. It was like walking into it, listening to it and let's not talk about Riley. The creepy murderer kid in the mirrors. I haven't look in a mirror in my house for like 3 days xD. Okay yes, i'm easily scared but either way i think it really creepy and scary. Michelle Muto, knew exactly what to say and what to make her characters feel to get to you.

Let's talk about the writing a little, because something happened that i was really impressed with it. The book is written in 2 POV's : Jess and Gage. It's the first time, that i feel like the whole writing style changes to fit the character. Gage was more straightforward, more boyish while Jess was easy, calm and slower. It showed the difference not only in their minds but in their personalities too. Oh what i would have give to be in Allison's mind too!

Anna dressed in Blood was good, but Haunting Season was a lot better. It scared me and still i couldn't stop reading. It was like watching those old horror movies (there is even a sex scene in which it didn't disturb me at all like it happens most of the time!!) but instead reading it and feeling everything enhanced. 

And because it's not funny be the only one is your change to win a copy of the book too!!

1 e-copy of the book
Simply leave a comment with your name and email!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

TV Series Review: The Paradise (Season 1)

Denise Lovett is a young country girl with only her wits to live on after showing up in a Northern city to take up a long-held promise of work in her uncle's drapery shop. She soon finds out though that her uncle cannot afford to employ her as most of his customers have been seduced away by the The Paradise, the country's first department store, across the street. She ends up being forced to take a job at The Paradise and falls in love with its surroundings and reckless owner, John Moray.

The Paradise
Released: 2012-now
Runtime: 8 eps/60 mins
Rating: 4/5 stars

I have a thing of finding  series by accident. The Paradise is no exception. I think i saw the poster somewhere and then i checked it out? No idea really..with so many things that i watch..

The Paradise is a period tv series based on Emile Zola's novel. The novel is based in France while the series are based in England. After that, i don't know what other difference exists.

I have to admit i really had my doubts with this one, because really how interesting the life in a shop can be right? How wrong i was...From the people who visit Paradise, to The Paradise's story, Moray's mystery on his wife's death, the creepy Jonas who writes eveything that happens in Paradise, the romance, the situation of the small shops...everything and i mean everything is interesting, well written and really well acted!! I can not tell you how surprised i was! 

The Paradise is a beautiful series, quite different than Downton Abbey i was watching (different period too but you get the point), and brings a smile and some light instead. Well done BBC!! Can't wait for Season 2!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Authors Kindle Fire Giveaway!!

20 Amazing Authors plus more than 100 of the Best Bloggers have joined together to bring you 1 Amazing Giveaway!

The winner will have the option of receiving a Kindle Fire HD (US Only)

Or $199 Gift Card (International)

Or $199 in Paypal Cash (International)

This giveaway is sponsored by these Awesome Authors:

The Essence (The Pledge, #2)Alaina Claiborne (British Agent Novel #1)Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped OutUncontrollable (#2, Nature of Grace series)Hunted (The Guardian Legacy, #3)Cliffhanger (The Belinda & Bennett Mysteries, Book 1)I Was Here—Before You CameEverlostBlood OathReaper's Novice (Soul Collector  #1)BulletproofLancaster HouseTwo HalvesMurder on Potrero Hill (A Peyton Brooks' Mystery, #1)Bellyache: A Delicious TaleKill ShotSkid Out (Heavy Influence Trilogy, #0.5)Between (Crossroads Saga, #2)Dragon Stones: Book One of the Dragon Stone Saga (Dragon Stone Saga, #1)Rapunzel Untangled

The Essence by Kimberly Derting

Alaina Claiborne by MK McClintock

Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped Out by Pandora Poikilos

Uncontrollable by S.R. Johannes

Hunted by Ednah Walters

Cliffhanger by Amy Saunders

I Was Here - Before You Came by Camelia Miron Skiba

Everlost by Brenda Pandos

Blood Oath by T.L. Clarke

Reaper's Novice by Cecilia Robert

Bulletproof by Jeff LaFerney

Lancaster House by Taylor Dean

Two Halves by Marta Szemik

Murder on Potrero Hill by M.L. Hamilton

Bellyache by Crystal Marcos

Kill Shot by Anne Patrick

Skid Out by Ann Marie Frohoff

Between by Mary Ting

Dragon Stones Saga by Kristian Alva

Rapunzel Untangled by Cindy C. Bennett

Giveaway Details

1 winner will receive their choice of a Kindle Fire HD (US Only), $199 Amazon Gift Card or $199 in Paypal Cash (International).

Ends 1/31/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the authors. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

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Movie Review: Hotel Transylvania

Welcome to the Hotel Transylvania, Dracula's (Adam Sandler) lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families can live it up, free from meddling from the human world. But here's a little known fact about Dracula: he is not only the Prince of Darkness; he is also a dad. Over-protective of his teenage daughter, Mavis, Dracula fabricates tales of elaborate dangers to dissuade her adventurous spirit. As a haven for Mavis, he opens the Hotel Transylvania, where his daughter and some of the world's most famous monsters – Frankenstein and his bride, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, a family of werewolves, and more – can kick back in safety and peace. For Drac, catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem – but his world could come crashing down when one ordinary guy stumbles on the hotel and takes a shine to Mavis.

Hotel Transylvania
Released: 2012
Runtime: 91 mins
Rating: 2.5/5 stars


The trailer of this movie was too funny to say no, so here i am...disappointed :p

While the animation is really cool and it has the base for a good and entertaining animation movie, it lacks too many things. The story is way too predictably and cheesy. I felt there was nothing new there than the usual father-daughter relationships and love at first sight. The only characters with a certain depth are Dracula and Mavis, the rest are just there to make you laugh. And here we come to another problem...

Except the fact that 90% of the funniest scenes are in the trailer, the movie in general is not that funny. It actually tries so hard to be funny that it gets boring and tiring. 9 out of 10 lines are "jokes" and you are expected to laugh. But you don't.

The music is horrible. They should have leave songs in animation movies to Disney. It was simple TERRIBLE.

I can't say i enjoyed it as expected. Way below my expectations. Kids might find more funny, though there are better movies to watch than this one.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Book Review: Cadet of Tildor (+INT Giveaway)

There is a new king on the throne of Tildor. Currents of political unrest sweep the country as two warring crime families seek power, angling to exploit the young Crown's inexperience. At the Academy of Tildor, the training ground for elite soldiers, Cadet Renee de Winter struggles to keep up with her male peers. But when her mentor, a notorious commander recalled from active duty to teach at the Academy, is kidnapped to fight in illegal gladiator games, Renee and her best friend Alec find themselves thrust into a world rife with crime, sorting through a maze of political intrigue, and struggling to resolve what they want, what is legal, and what is right.

The Cadet of Tildor
Publication Date: 2013
Pages: 400 (ebook)
Part of Series: ?
Purchased: Review for tour
Rating: 5/5 stars

I had previously do a spotlight and a guestpost for the pre-release of this book and there was no way to say no, on reviewing too. It's the usual YA Epic Fantasy book, and after finishing Cinda Williams Chima's The Seven Realms series i felt empty. And i'm so happy that i did. Because it was as good!!

There are great characters, mystery, action with and original, compelling world and a really interesting system of magic and how the world thought and work with it. There was a sense on the academy lessons and expectations and the characters in it felt real. The romance (because of there is some in it) didn't take the whole book, instead it appeared in the right places and time without being boring, fast and annoying. It actually felt closer to the real world. You didn't missed the lack of it but it wasn't too much either when it appeared.

I couldn't really pick favorite characters here, simply because i liked each and every one for different reasons. I liked the open minded and straightforward Renee but i liked the fair and clever commander too. Each person in the story from brother, father, teachers and friends felt it belonged in the story. They had the part to play and they played right.

In the end i just wanted more of it. It was one of my best reads in 2012 and a really easy 5 stars from me.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Movie Reviews: Magic Mike & Pitch Perfect

Mike Lane is a thirty-year old living in Tampa,Florida. By day he works as a roofer whilst at night,as Magic Mike,he is the star attraction of the Kings of Tampa,a group of male strippers. Secretly he wants out in order to further a projected furniture-making business but his credit rating precludes a bank loan for this despite his considerable savings. One night Adam,a teen-aged work-mate of Mike,follows him to the club and,when one of the acts is unable to go on,he is prevailed upon to strip - becoming a huge hit. However success goes to his head and his foolish actions not only threaten to jeopardise his sister Brooke's relationship with Mike but Mike's ambitions as well.

Magic Mike
Released: 2012
Runtime: 110 mins
Rating: 4/5 stars

The reason I saw the movie was because I felt it was right. After the release of the trailer, everyone was talking about it. About how hot the actors are and how much skin they are going to reveal, and that whole situation made me curious. So, when the time was right I decided to watch it.

So, the movie starts and it’s a little weird. The acting, the directing and the way the story was presented was a little off. The script was one of those where the actors don’t talk in whole sentences, like the way it happens in real life.

The actors were all good and gorgeous, nevertheless, but their acting here wasn’t that good. And I say this, because I’ve seen them in other works before.

Also, the story was a little too focused on the three main characters, so all the others were the background, and it sucked a little, because you give roles to all those great and gorgeous actors and you just give them less talking and not a personal story to tell.

But the dancing was the whole movie, the only thing that worth my time. To see six pairs of six-packs and asses was the reason why the film had a success.

Bottom line, I know, I sound like a person who really hated the movie, but let’s face the truth. I’m right, right? The whole reason you went to see the movie was because one of your favorite actors was dancing half naked on the screen. And don’t tell me, that you weren’t screaming with all the other ladies from the movie. By the way, lucky ladies the ones playing the clients, no?

Beca, a freshman at Barden University, is cajoled into joining The Bellas, her school's all-girls singing group. Injecting some much needed energy into their repertoire, The Bellas take on their male rivals in a campus competition.

Pitch Perfect
Released: 2012
Runtime:112 mins
Rating: 4/5 stars

The reason I decided to watch this one, was because I knew it would cheer me up, like all the movies with dance and singing do.

From the trailer, you could understand that it’d be a simple movie. And it was. I mean, the story was predictable. There this girl who likes music and there is a group who sings. But the girl, being different doesn’t want to be part of the group, but the group is failing in many ways, so the girl takes part in it. And there is a boy, who’s from a different group and the girl shouldn’t date, but little by little it becomes irresistible.

What makes the movie different is the main theme, which is the “a capella” group. I didn’t knew those groups actually existed and it was a little fascinating the way they were making music.

As for the characters, and if we take away the disgusting puking problem of Aubrey, I didn’t have a problem with anyone. The main boy, Jesse, wasn’t that beautiful, so you could, in a level, feel the movie more normal and down to earth. But there was another small character, Luke, who was gorgeous. You can’t see a movie without at least one gorgeous guy. Funny roles were those of Gail and John, they were played by two well-known and famous actors and their roles were really small.

Bottom line, I liked it. I had fun watching it. It had been long since I saw a movie like it. And yes, I’ll admit it, after finishing the movie I was in the mood of singing, which I did, in the isolation of my home, where no one could hear me.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Movie Review: The Northanger Abbey

A wonderfully entertaining coming-of-age story, Northanger Abbey is often referred to as Jane Austen’s “Gothic parody.” Decrepit castles, locked rooms, mysterious chests, cryptic notes, and tyrannical fathers give the story an uncanny air, but one with a decidedly satirical twist.

The story’s unlikely heroine is Catherine Morland, a remarkably innocent seventeen-year-old woman from a country parsonage. While spending a few weeks in Bath with a family friend, Catherine meets and falls in love with Henry Tilney, who invites her to visit his family estate, Northanger Abbey. Once there, Catherine, a great reader of Gothic thrillers, lets the shadowy atmosphere of the old mansion fill her mind with terrible suspicions. What is the mystery surrounding the death of Henry’s mother? Is the family concealing a terrible secret within the elegant rooms of the Abbey? Can she trust Henry, or is he part of an evil conspiracy? Catherine finds dreadful portents in the most prosaic events, until Henry persuades her to see the peril in confusing life with art.

Executed with high-spirited gusto, Northanger Abbey is the most lighthearted of Jane Austen’s novels, yet at its core this delightful novel is a serious, unsentimental commentary on love and marriage.

The Northanger Abbey
Released: 2007
Runtime: 93 mins
Rating: 4/5 stars

I've no idea why i didn't watch this earlier and the truth is that i started watching by accident too. Funny though, since it has become one of my favorite Austen movies. I've not read the book to compare but i can tell you a few things about the movie...

The summary above characterized the book as "lighthearted" and indeed it is true. Is like watching a period romantic comedy. It's funny and cute but you can still Austen's work inside it. It's unlike her work but still her work. You get to see a more "adulty" and different world of that period and more of the town life out of the huge houses and abbeys. 

A story of love, friendship, imagination, marriage and even how books can affect different people, The Northanger Abbey is sure one of the most enjoyable period movies i've seen. (I think it will most easier for the boys who don't like that kind of films to watch too!). 

Other Austen Thingies Reviewed:
Mansfield Park (1999)  
Mansfield Park (2007) 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Movie Review: The Hobbit

The adventure follows the journey of title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior, Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the Wild; through treacherous lands. Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths of guile and courage that surprise even him, he also gains possession of Gollum's precious ring that holds unexpected and useful qualities... A simple, gold ring that is tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Bilbo cannot begin to know.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Released: 2012
Runtime: 2 hours + 40 mins
Rating: 4/5 stars
Buy: Not Available Yet

This was probably my most anticipated movie of 2012. I mean after LOTR we haven't actually gotten a decent epic fantasy movie and Hobbit was my favorite Tolkien book too sooo....I watched at the premiere and the only reason i didn't review it earlier (in case you don't follow at Facebook or Twitter) was the fact that i wanted to watch the 48fps 3D version too except the simple screening. So now here i am with me to have watched both versions now and my thoughts on the movie...

I could say the movie is simply fantastic. There were doubts for the movie (even from me) when Jackson announce it will be a trilogy since Hobbit is a stand alone book. Still he made it work. Taking parts of the story of the Necromancer and fitting them in the right places, he told the story of the wizards that was not told in the Hobbit book but existed anyway. So except the story of the Hobbit and Bildo's adventure, we get to see a little of how Saouron awoke too and the events that led to Lord of the Rings. The movie is almost 3 hours and i could still watch more of it. People who are not used to that kind of worlds or LOTR in general mind find boring, but for a nerd like me it was easy to watch..twice.

There is no question on the casting here. Old and new actors were simply perfect. There was no better choice for Bildo and Thorin and they delivered their roles perfectly. Of course seeing Ian McKellen as Gandalf once again brought back some amazing memories. Elijah Wood and Ian Holm start the film with reprising their roles as Frodo and old Bildo, and Galadriel, Elrond and Saruman make their appearance too (no sign of Legolas in that movie).

Do i really need to discuss the special effects and music here? We know what Jackson delivers with the LOTR world and it was as amazing as ever. Yes, he did use more special effects in this movie than LOTR but i don't mind since they were really good.

And now let's get to that 48fps thingy which is something never used before in a movie. 48 fps gives clarity and many were disappointed from the fact that gives so much clarity that it seems fake or that it tired them. I've no idea what they watched but it was one of the most beautiful things i've seen. It gave an entirely different meaning to the movie, instead of the usual screening version of 24fps. The 3D was actually really good and yes everything was clearer. There were a little few times that the special effects really stand out or the set was more visible as a set and i didn't mind (taking this from a person who can't see a movie older than 1995 because of the quality of the special effects). The faster moving scenes were a little tiring with my eyes but this is something that happening everytime with 3D since i have to wear two pair of glasses.

In the end? Loved it. Hopefully i will go watch it one more time and of course buying the extended version of it when it comes out. Yes, i've heard there will a bigger version available :D

Book Spotlight: Untimed

Get ready for a YA time travel adventure that will have the hours flying by!
Untimed, author Andy Gavin’s latest release, is finally out!
No one remembers Charlie’s name. He falls through holes in time. And a clockwork man is trying to kill him. But there’s an eighteenth century Scottish girl who can bring him back home – assuming they don’t destroy history by accidentally letting Ben Franklin get killed.
Andy’s previous novel, dark fantasy The Darkening Dream, has been well-received by fans and critics alike. Publisher’s Weekly called it “gorgeously creepy, strangely humorous, and sincerely terrifying.” Untimed is an even more ambitious follow-up. It is a lavish production with a cover by acclaimed fantasy artist Cliff Nielsen and twenty-one full page interior illustrations by Dave Phillips.

About Untimed
Charlie’s the kind of boy that no one notices. Hell, even his own mother can’t remember his name. And girls? The invisible man gets more dates.
As if that weren’t enough, when a mysterious clockwork man tries to kill him in modern day Philadelphia, and they tumble through a hole into 1725 London, Charlie realizes even the laws
of time don’t take him seriously.
Still, this isn’t all bad. In fact, there’s this girl, another time traveler, who not only remembers his name, but might even like him! Unfortunately, Yvaine carries more than her share of baggage: like a baby boy and at least two ex-boyfriends! One’s famous, the other’s murderous, and Charlie doesn’t know who is the bigger problem.
When one kills the other — and the other is nineteen year-old Ben Franklin — things get really crazy. Can their relationship survive? Can the future? Charlie and Yvaine are time travelers, they can fix this — theoretically — but the rules are complicated and the stakes are history as we know it.
And there's one more wrinkle: he can only travel into the past, and she can only travel into the future!

You can find Untimed the ebook on Amazon here: 
And in paperback here:
Read the first two chapters here:

 About the author
Andy Gavin is an unstoppable storyteller who studied for his Ph.D. at M.I.T. and founded video game developer Naughty Dog, Inc. at the age of fifteen, serving as co-president for two decades. There he created, produced, and directed over a dozen video games, including the award winning and bestselling Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter franchises, selling over 40 million units worldwide. He sleeps little, reads novels and histories, watches media obsessively, travels, and of course, writes.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Author Interview: Kimberly Derting

So i had the chance as part of the tour to interview Kimberly Derting and i can't tell you how excited i am! I asked for many things i wanted to know on her books and her ideas and i hope you enjoy it as much as i did!!!

I want to start by asking you how you feel about your book being out there (and now the second one too). There are so many YA books coming out each year so how do you feel about yours to be published?

It’s been a dream come true for me! I’ve known that I wanted to be a writer since I was in the 7th grade when I took a journalism class. Of course wanting to write didn’t mean I’d be good at it. I wrote my first book when I was 20, got an agent, and thankfully that book never got published…it was awful. But, it was also really great practice!

What was the first thing you did when you learned you are getting published?

I was actually camping with my family when I got the call from my agent, so we were all together. After jumping up and down (and screaming A LOT!), we drank warm champagne out of plastic camping cups. I know...gross!

Did you expect anything of that fame when you started writing?

I didn’t know what to expect, which was probably good since it’s been kind of a whirlwind. I travel a lot, have a lot of deadlines, meet so many amazing readers, and get to write the books I love! It’s everything I ever wanted...and more!

Now your book was translated in other languages too. It's actually one of the few(and i mean the word few!) YA books translated here in Greece! How that sounds?

I’m so excited that my books are now being released in other countries (and yes, very excited that it’s coming out in Greece!), but it’s bittersweet since I can’t be there to celebrate each launch!

On to the story now! How did you come up with the idea? Is there a reason you picked to write supernatural/fantasy?

Unlike the idea for my other series, The Body Finder, which came to me all at once, the original idea for The Pledge came in pieces...more like a puzzle. The first piece was just a simple question: “What would it be like if someone could understand all languages?” But I definitely wanted the story itself to be bigger than just that component. I spent a lot of time—over a year—thinking about how Charlie’s ability would work, what kind of world she would live in, and developing the monarchies and her friends and family, before I’d ever written a single word.

I talk more about how I got the idea here:

Share some of your favorite YA books with us to see your style!

The Curse Workers series (WHITE CAT, RED GLOVE, and BLACK HEART) by Holly Black

DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth

THE SCORPIO RACES by Maggie Stiefvater

BEFORE I FALL by Lauren Oliver

CITY OF BONES (the entire Mortal Instruments series!) by Cassandra Clare

The BEAUTIFUL CREATURES series by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl


The WICKED LOVELY series by Melissa Marr

ENDANGERED by Eliot Schrefer

You can find The Essence (The Pledge #2) out now and her other series The Body Finder! 
Don't forget to follow the tour for reviews,guest posts and of course giveaways!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Book Spotlight: Underneath

Underneath (Princess of Twilight and Dawn)

Six months ago, when her long-hidden heritage came to light, Tab Bennett reluctantly let go of her past and embraced her future as an Elvish princess on the cusp of her gifts and the edge of her destiny. She never wanted a fairy tale life, but as the daughter of the Dark King and the Light Queen, that’s exactly what she got.

Raised in exile away from the kingdom of the Inbetween, Tab has never even met the parents who ruined her life. Her mother is dead, but Tab’s father, Daniel, is alive and well, the mad ruler of the kingdom of the Underneath. He’s made it clear he wants to meet her and now that she knows all the sadness and heartache in her life can be traced directly to the Dark king’s door, Tab wants to meet him too. After all, it's because of him that the first twenty-five years of her life were a lie. It’s his fault she gave her heart to Robbin when she should have been saving it for Alex, the prince who is destined to be her Homecoming. But, most importantly, King Daniel is the one responsible for her mother’s suicide and her sisters’ murders.

Now Tab wants justice – but she’ll settle for revenge and Finnegan Blackthorn, an Elvish warrior with secrets of his own, is going to help her get it. Together, they’ll embark on the dangerous journey to her father’s stronghold in the kingdom Underneath. Once she's there, far away from the Light in which she was raised, Tab will be forced to confront the seductive nature of Darkness and her own potential to truly become her father’s daughter

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