Look what i have for you! A new interview from a new aspiring author! :) Amira Aly is the writer of the debut novel Egypt: The Uprising, who has passion with Egyptology and she is also part-time doctor! Learn, the whole interview and learn more about her.
-Try to describe your book in one sentence.
A dash of fantasy, a tinge of science fiction all mixed up with ancient Egyptian Mythology. Add a dollop of modern-day interest and quirky characters and , voila, there you go!
-Your genre in Egypt: The Uprising is YA Fantasy right?. You did that on purpose, or you just start writing?
Absolutely! I find solace in my writing and an escape from reality. When the streets of Egypt were swept by the tides of the revolution, I did not known whether we will win. I was very stressed out and concerned. I wanted to create a magical safe haven, a beautiful place where the impossible can be possible--and where justice can prevail... only fantasy can do that for ya!
-What inspired you to write, you took any ideas from other books, movies etc?
I'd already started a book about A teenage girl in a post-apocalyptic Egypt who meets up with the Goddess of Universal order, Ma'at, before the revolution started. When I saw the Egyptian museum being looted and check out the list of artifacts that have gone missing, I thought 'BINGO!' The whole plot just fell into place.
-Did you do any research before start or during of the writing of the books?
I extensively researched ancient Egypt: its mythology, artifacts, and archeological sites before I started the writing. As I was writing, I tried to keep the research to minimum.
-Which scenes were the hardest to write?
The scenes drawing on the real, very painful, events: the crackdown on the protestors January 25 uprising, and the bombing of the Two Saints Church on New Year's eve. Conveying the real pain and anguish I felt while trying to separate myself from my character was not easy.
-How long has it taken you to write a book ?
Three months.
-What’s the best part of writing for you?
My characters. I fall in love with them as I discover who they are. It's like living with your best friends 24-7.
-Are you reading or writing something else at the moment?
Yes, I am writing book two of the series, the Battle for Maat. The working title is Egypt: the Last Stand.
-Did you have support at the beginning and/or during your writing?
I could have not done without my husband. He was there for me brainstorming, sharing ideas, reading rough drafts, and taking care of the kids while I was writing and doing research.
-Did you always had in mind to be a writer or it just happened?
I have resisted the urge for years! I studied to be a physician and trained as a surgical pathologist for a while, but I felt the arts were calling me.
-How important you find the communication between you and your readers? Do you reply to their messages or read their reviews?
I find the readers' feedback very important, especially in multi-part series like mine. I love to hear what their hopes for the characters are, their likes and dislikes, and what they would like to see more of.
I try to be active on all social media platforms and respond to my readers as much as I can.
-Are you working on any other projects except writing, right now?
Yep. I have two little works in progress, a boy and a girl, who take up every minute of my time when I am not writing.
-Something special you want to share with us?
Anyone interested in visiting all the sites I mention in my book can come to Egypt and I'll give them a personal tour :)
Now some simple questions and more fun^^
-Your favourite books and author?
Ann Rice, Stephen King, F.Scott Fitzgerald.
-Your favourite band/singer?
Evanescence, Pink, Lighthouse, Bryan Adams and Jutin Timberlake.
-Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter! Tweeps are my second family.
-Favourite place in the world?
Dahab, a beautiful Egyptian city in Sinai-- part of what we call "the Red Sea Riveria." It has a gorgeous beach and is a diver's dream come true.
-Last movie you watched at the cinemas?
X-men: First Class.
-The last book you’ve read?
"The Social Transformation of American Medicine" for my final project at the University of North Carolina.
-Have you ever googled yourself?
Yep all the time. I even have a Google alert set up to notify when my name comes up on the web.
-Writing, reading or hanging out with friends?
Writing, all the way!
-If you wouldn’t be a writer, what you would be?
An actress! I love acting.
-And last one....printed or ebooks?
E-books. I feel sorry for trees.
Thanks so much for your time ^^
A debut novel like no other-- touches on the apocalyptic flavors of the times and tells of a history that transcends the past.
Why is the Arab world in turmoil? What instigated the Spring of Freedom?
There is more to the story than meets the eye...
The very fabric of the world is at stake.
And , believe it or not, your fate lies in the hands of one book-loving Egyptian teen with an extraordinary heritage .
Aya is an Egyptian teenage girl trying to mind her own business and
take care of her brother. As their country is swept by the tides of a
revolution against a tyrant nicknamed the vile pharaoh, Aya tries to
stay adrift. But her blood has something different in store for her.
Learning what the Ancients have always known, She joins a battle for truth and freedom-- a battle for Ma'at.
It is not just a story, however, it is a world-within-world, and a
fresh tantalizing outlook on the events in our modern events.
This elegant novella is an introduction to a multi-volume series... The Battle for Maat.
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