What's New Wednesday is hosted by us from now on! (Previously hosted by My Love Affair With Books ). We keep the idea Misha had at the start :) It's a round up for any interesting news we found the week that passed. Anyone who wants to participate, feel free and leave your links at the comments to check it out too. (if many people take part i will put up a linky).
In front of every little
paragraph will be a tag ( Music,Movie, Book,etc) so in case you are not
interested in something you can just skip it. At the end, are our week's finds.
[Books] Two new authors attached to Seven Star Press with new promising books, if they are that good as Redheart and Thrall. Find more info by clicking on the links. D.A. Adams' (The Brotherhood of Dwarves) and H. David Blalock's (The Angelkiller Triad). Plus a new cover of Cinema of Shadows which i can't wait to read!
[Blog] Small Review has a new post about to fix the size of the images on sidebar (and in general).
[Music] Katy Perry has a new video out ( Last Friday Night) which also features to stars of Glee and Rebecca Black. New music video by Shakira as well, and a new song by Gym Class Hero.
[Movies] Thousands of new Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 poster! With my fav one of McGonagall in action!
New in TBR (click for summaries):

I've been lusting after Witchlanders for months! I loooove that it's high fantasy. We need more of that in YA.
ReplyDeleteThanks for including my post! :)
McGonagall looks fierce! :P
Those HP posters make me even more excited about the movie! Can't believe it's all coming to an end!
ReplyDeleteyiota we can't see all the HP posters...
ReplyDeletethe "Black Tide" sounds great, i love sharks, can't w8 to see this one !
@Small:: You are welcome!
ReplyDeleteIt was a nice change of McGonagall! I really like her like that. You can see how powerful sh is!
@Misha: Yes! I'm excited and sad at the same time!
@athanasia: obviously i didn't put all the posters on the post. just click the link.
Wow! The cover to Breadcrumbs is amazing.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this round-up =)